Space­Park 360

Do­me3D's show Space­Par­k360, is a 38 mi­nu­te, 9-ride custo­miz­able show that takes au­di­en­ces on a wild im­mer­si­ve ride through the solar sys­tem. Mas­te­red at 4Kx4K and crea­ted as a mo­du­lar show, Space­Par­k360 is a set of full­do­me mo­vies de­si­gned to re­crea­te the ex­pe­ri­ence of amu­se­ment park thrill rides - rol­ler co­as­ters, pen­du­lums, in­ver­ters and more. Seen from the rider's per­spec­ti­ve, Space­Par­k360 takes the state-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gies of full­do­me sys­tems and com­bi­nes them with heart poun­ding thrill rides to crea­te a uni­que en­ter­tain­ment show never seen be­fo­re on the dome. From the tops of Ju­pi­ter's clouds to the icy depths of Nep­tu­ne's moon Tri­ton, each lo­ca­ti­on ser­ves to heigh­ten the thril­ling ex­pe­ri­ence.

If you are in­te­rested in wat­ching this show in English, plea­se con­ta­ct our ser­vice team. You can reach us by te­le­pho­ne on Tu­es­day, Thurs­day and Fri­day bet­ween 9am-11am and Tu­es­days from 3pm-5pm under +49 431 210-1741 or send us an email to ser­vice(at)me­di­en­