Magic of the Other­wor­ld

Magic of the Other­wor­ld is a re­la­xing odys­sey through ima­gi­na­ry vis­tas, set to the lush sounds of harp music.

It's a place of le­gends, where my­thi­cal crea­tu­res once existed in har­mo­ny among the moun­tains, is­lands, springs, and fo­rests. Today, we ex­pe­ri­ence the Other­wor­ld through our ima­gi­na­ti­ons, and per­haps in our dreams.

Now, this mys­ti­cal realm can be ex­plo­red in the im­mer­si­ve full­do­me en­vi­ron­ment in a be­au­ti­ful 50-mi­nu­te en­ter­tain­ment show that comes from Me­di­en­dom Kiel. Magic of the Other­wor­ld in­vi­tes au­di­en­ces into vir­tu­al land­s­capes ac­com­pa­nied by the be­au­ti­ful harp music of Chris­ti­ne Högl.

The show's jour­ney be­gins deep in­si­de a cave, then we wind our way through en­chan­ted moun­tain fo­rests, drift along pla­cid streams and peace­ful ri­vers, visit a mys­ti­cal co­ast­li­ne, and board a fan­ta­sy woo­den sai­ling ship for a leap out to the deep ex­pan­ses of the cos­mos.

If you are in­te­rested in wat­ching this show in English, plea­se con­ta­ct our ser­vice team. You can reach us by te­le­pho­ne on Tu­es­day, Thurs­day and Fri­day bet­ween 9am-11am and Tu­es­days from 3pm-5pm under +49 431 210-1741 or send us an email to ser­vice(at)me­di­en­