Dawn of Space Age

From the launch of the first ar­ti­fi­ci­al sa­tel­li­te Sput­nik, to the ma­gni­fi­cant lunar lan­dings and pri­va­te­ly ope­ra­ted space flights. Be im­mer­sed and over­whel­med with this most ac­cu­ra­te his­to­ric re­con­st­ruc­tion of Man’s first steps into space. Who were these Men and Women that took part in these death de­fy­ing en­dea­vours? Wit­ness their drive, their pas­si­on, and their per­se­ver­an­ce to ex­plo­re, in “Dawn of the Space Age”.

“I saw my life, I like this film, very cor­rect” – Cos­mo­naut Ale­xei Leo­nov

If you are in­te­rested in wat­ching this show in English, plea­se con­ta­ct our ser­vice team. You can reach us by te­le­pho­ne on Tu­es­day, Thurs­day and Fri­day bet­ween 9am-11am and Tu­es­days from 3pm-5pm under +49 431 210-1741 or send us an email to ser­vice(at)me­di­en­dom.de.