Dar­win and his fa­bu­lous or­chi­ds

You ra­re­ly get such an aes­the­tic view on evo­lu­ti­on: Charles Dar­win’s ma­nu­scripts un­fold for the view­ers, who be­co­me part of his jour­ney on his re­se­arch ship “HMS Bea­gle”.

Blos­soms of or­chi­ds spre­ad their be­au­ty and fill the en­ti­re dome of the “Me­di­en­dom”. The spec­ta­tors are in the midst of the ela­bo­ra­ted shapes and will learn eve­r­y­thing about the bo­ta­ni­cal tricks of the or­chi­ds, who have a very spe­cial way of dis­tri­bu­ting their ge­ne­tic ma­te­ri­al.

It is not sur­pri­sing that these plants are cham­pi­ons in the art of spe­cia­li­zing for a cer­tain ha­bi­tat. Equal­ly un­sur­pri­sing is the fact, that this pro­duc­tion of the Me­di­en­dom and the Chris­ti­an-Al­brechts Uni­ver­si­ty in Kiel won seve­r­al in­ter­na­tio­nal de­sign awards.

If you are in­te­rested in wat­ching this show in English, plea­se con­ta­ct our ser­vice team. You can reach us by te­le­pho­ne on Tu­es­day, Thurs­day and Fri­day bet­ween 9am-11am and Tu­es­days from
3pm-5pm under +49 431 210-1741 or send us an email to ser­vice(at)me­di­en­dom.de.