In­ter­na­tio­nal Pro­gramm

The ME­DI­EN­DOM at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­en­ces, Kiel

360° film pro­duc­tions from Kiel have been in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly ac­clai­med and are being per­for­med in di­gi­tal pla­ne­ta­ria all around the world. In the dome of the Me­di­en­dom you will ex­pe­ri­ence sci­ence in an en­ter­tai­ning and spec­ta­cu­lar way.

You can em­bark on a fa­sci­na­ting jour­ney into the times of the na­tu­ral sci­en­tist Charles Dar­win, or through deep space. Ac­com­pany your child­ren into a fairy tale ad­ven­ture or the world of the polar bears in the arc­tic! Dive into over­whel­ming com­pu­ter ge­ne­ra­ted films with the music of Queen! Tra­vel to the ima­gi­na­ry rol­ler co­as­ters of a gi­gan­tic in­ter­pla­ne­ta­ry theme park! Wel­co­me to our breathta­king fan­ta­stic worlds!

These Shows are not part of the re­gu­lar pro­gramm, but can be book­ed for group events. Plea­se con­ta­ct our ser­vice if you are in­te­rested.

Click the pi­cu­tes to re­cei­ve more in­for­ma­ti­on on the shows.