
NEW: LEAP - Language Education And Preparation

German for refugees

Were you a student in your home country, had to leave everything immediately and flee for one reason or another? Would you like to continue your studies in Germany? Then Kiel University of Applied Sciences is the right place for you.

  • Winter semester 2024: 16. September–20. December
  • Summer semester 2025: 17. March–20. June

          Application deadline: until 09.09.2024

Admission test - Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 11:00 am - 1:30 pm

  • Intensive preparatory German language courses offered in two groups: starting from B1 or from B2 up to C1 Level
  • Preparation for the C1 language exam for university studies (telc) and the opportunity to participate
  • Combination of on-campus and online classes
  • Workshops and seminars to prepare for university studie
  • Recognised refugee background
  • University entrance qualification
  • German Language skills at B1 level (preferably)
  • Keen to start or continue studying at the end of the program

Please send the following documents by email to

  • Residence permit
  • Proof of German language proficiency
  • University entrance qualification
  • If available, recognition of previous studies

Programmes and Projects

The International Office has a friendly attitude and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about your degree programme. Are you still unsure which degree programme matches your interests? Or are you wondering which documents you need? Perhaps you would simply like to find out more about the various options? Don't hesitate - we are here to help you! Together we will find the right educational pathway for you. We look forward to getting to know you and accompanying you on your journey. Feel free to drop by or contact us - we are here for you!

Alina Los | T. 0431 210-1805 |

We offer:

  • Intensive preparatory German courses offered in two groups: from B1 (2 semesters) or B2 (1 semester) up to level C1
  • Preparation for the C1 language exam for university studies (telc) and the opportunity to participate
  • Combination of on-campus and online classes
  • Workshops and seminars to prepare for university studie


  • Recongnised refugee background
  • University entrance qualification
  • Language skills in German at B1 level (preferably)
  • Keen to start or continue studying at the end of the program

Interested or have further questions? You can reach us at

The Studienkolleg programme is aimed at foreign applicants who do not have direct access to higher education in Germany with their home country certificate. The Studienkolleg at Kiel University of Applied Sciences continues to offer courses for refugees. All interested refugees can register and take the entrance test. Places are allocated on the basis of the results of the entrance test, just as for all other applicants. Successful participants are given the opportunity to fulfil the requirements for studying at a German University of Applied Sciences by attending the college.

Interested? The preparatory college (Studienkolleg) is glad to help!

To download our admission form, please go to the website of the Studienkolleg.

The ‘Welcome’ mentoring programme is aimed at prospective students and students with a refugee background. Our aim is to offer these people qualified support from experienced students at Kiel University of Applied Sciences. Our mentors are on hand to offer advice and support to participants, accompany them in their day-to-day studies, help them find their way around the university and offer support with academic and social challenges.

Through this mentoring programme, we want to make it easier for refugees to start their studies and promote their inclusion in everyday university life. We believe in the transformative power of education and are convinced that individualized support enriches the study experience for everyone involved.



The ‘Bildungsbrücke: Language, Exchange, Integration’ cafés are regular meetings at Kiel University of Applied Sciences that serve as a platform for exchange, language development and integration. Here we offer a relaxed and informal atmosphere in which contacts can be made and language skills improved.

These meetings are a valuable opportunity to socialize with other people, make new friends and integrate into the community. Through interactive discussions and activities on topics such as education, subjects, culture and science, we promote not only language skills, but also understanding and tolerance of different cultures and backgrounds.

We warmly invite anyone from a refugee background to participate and join us in our language development and integration initiative.

The date, time and all other necessary information will be added here in future.


Refugees are very welcome to register as guest auditors at Kiel UAS. As a guest auditor you can attend lectures of one study program of your choice. It is a good opportunity to get a first impression of student life and the academic organization live at a German university in general and allows a first glance at the contents of a specific study program. Guest auditors are not allowed to write exams. For refugees the guest auditor program might be especially helpful to get an insight into the German level during university lectures and to find out if the respective study program meets their interests and expectations.

Please contact the central student advisory service, if you are interested in the guest auditor program or if you have any other general questions.

Ukraine crisis: Information for students concerned

Kiel University of Applied Sciences condemns the Russian government's breach of international law and declares its solidarity with the people in Ukraine.
As an educational institution, we are thinking above all of the Ukrainian academics and students as well as the opposition academics and students in Russia.

The DAAD makes support offers from its partners and from international higher education institutions available in a bundled form on its website.

The Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein offers help with financial worries, questions about residence status and accommodation, and tips on how to deal with the situation.

Information and Support for Students from Refugee Backgrounds

Are you a refugee living in Germany and interested in studying at Kiel University of Applied Sciences? The following sections will inform on the requirements for studying at Kiel University of Applied Sciences. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need personal counseling.

As a Freemover, you can enrol in individual courses at Kiel UAS, you can get ECTS but you cannot earn a degree.

To be admitted, you need to have completed 3-4 semesters of studies (for Bachelor) or one semester (Master) in a programme which Kiel UAS offers.

Nationality: Ukrainian

Language Certificate: English B2/ German  B1/ B2.

Most of the programmes are in German. For courses in English, please see here.

If you are interested in applying for winter term 2023/24 as a Freemover, please contact: incoming(at)

We will check if you meet the requirements and will find out if there is a place available for you.


As an Erasmus student, you can enrol in individual courses, get ECTS but you cannot earn a degree.

The workload for Erasmus students is 30 ECTS, documented in a learning agreement.

To be admitted, you need to have completed 3-4 semesters of studies (for Bachelor) or one semester (Master) in a programme which Kiel UAS offers.


Nationality: Ukrainian

Language Certificate: English B2/ German  B1/ B2.

Most of the programmes are in German. For courses in English, please see here.

If you are intererested in applying for winter term 2022/23 as an Erasmus student, please contact: incoming(at)

We will check if you meet the requirements and will find out if there is a place and Erasmus+ fundings available for you.

The admission requirements for refugees with foreign pre-qualifications are the same as those for international degree students.

Please note that Kiel UAS does not check any university entrance qualifications. This is only been done by uni-assist – and only if you apply for a concrete study course!

If you hold a certificate of equivalence for your university entrance qualification from the Ministry of Schleswig-Holstein, you can apply directly with us - DO NOT apply through uni-assist.

If your university entrance qualification does not allow you to study in Germany, the Studienkolleg might be a good opportunity for you!

TestAS for Refugees

Uni-Assist for Refugees

The application procedure, deadlines and semester fees for refugees are the same as those for all international students.

Information of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) can be found here.

All of our bachelor programmes are taught in German and most of our master programmes are as well. For information on the language requirements for programmes taught in German, please click here.


We offer three master programmes in English language:

  • M. Sc. Industrial Engineering
  • M. Sc. Computer Science
  • M. Sc. Data Science

If you wish to study Industrial Engineering, you have to prove your knowledge of English. We accept the following certificates:

  • TOEFL (Internet-based: 78 points)
  • IELTS: 5, LCCI (Level 2)
  • FCE
  • 1 semester (6 months) work or study in an English-speaking country.

If you wish to study Computer Science, you have to prove your knowledge of English. We accept the following certificates:

  • TOEFL (Internet-based: 70, Computer-based: 185, paper-based: 515)
  • IELTS: 5.5
  • equivalent Cambridge-ESOL-Qualification
  • BULATS: B2, 60 
  • English as a native language
  • Degree in an English taught Bachelor programme

If you wish to study Data Science, you have to prove your knowledge of English. We accept the following certificates:

  • TOEFL (Internet-based: 70, Computer-based: 185, paper-based: 515)
  • IELTS: 5.5
  • equivalent Cambridge-ESOL-Qualification
  • BULATS: B2, 60
  • English as a native language
  • Degree in an English taught Bachelor programme

There are different counseling possibilities for prospective students and applicants with refugee backgrounds.

The Central Student Advisory Service are happy to inform prospective students and applicants with refugee backgrounds about the variety of study programmes at Kiel UAS. The student advisory service help you to decide on the suitable study programme for you and provide you with information about the outlines of the different programmes. They also offer counseling for enrolled students who might face any type of - personal or academic - problem during their studies.

The Studienkolleg (preparatory college) offers applicants with refugee backgrounds the opportunity to obtain a university entrance qualification.

If you are interested in an information session for a group of prospective students, please contact the International Office or the Student Advisory Service.

Emergency assistance by the Studentenwerk.


If you are already recognised as a refugee, you might be entitled to BAföG (German Study Loan System). More Information on BAföG for refugees can be found here. The exact paragraphs can be found here.

If you receive BaföG as a refugee, you are permitted to work and earn up to € 6,240 a year in addition.

Starting from 01.01.2016, the same applies for holders of a specific humanitarian residence permit or tolerated stay permit, if they have already been residing in Germany for at least 15 months from the date they originally applied for asylum in Germany.

Asylum-seekers whose application are still being processed are not permitted to request BaföG. They are granted support in accordance with the Asylum Seekers’ Benefit Act (AsylbLG). After three months, refugees will be able to work under the condition that a priority check has occurred beforehand.

Study Start-up Assistance

The "Studienstarthilfe" is a one-time, earmarked grant from the state of Schleswig-Holstein for prospective students from low-income families to finance special expenses such as registration fees, semester fees and study-specific purchases. This is intended to make it easier for students to start their studies in Schleswig-Holstein.


There are a few scholarship programmes  for migrants. More Information can be found on the website of the Bildungsberatung Garantiefonds Hochschule.

The Förderprogramm - Garantiefonds is directed towards young migrants who wish to obtain a university entrance qualification, are preparing for a study programme and are aiming towards an academic career; and who are either refugees, Jewish migrants or late repatriates currently residing in Germany. Its purpose is fast social integration, especially focusing on continuing the education which was interrupted in the home country. 

The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) also has a scholarship database