Prof. Dr. Petra Dickel

Dickel Petra© J. Brunn

Professorin für Unternehmenskommunikation

Grenzstrasse 3
24149 Kiel
Raum: C12-2.28a


  • Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation
  • Strategische Kommunikation
  • Marktkommunikation
  • Innovation und Entrepreneurship
  • Quantitative empirische Forschung


Projekt- und Thesis-Sprechstunde
(für alle, die eine Projekt- oder Abschlussarbeit bei mir schreiben oder dies planen und sich informieren wollen)

  • Dienstags, 14:30-16:00 Uhr

In der vorlesungsfreien Zeit, während der interdisziplinären Wochen und im Prüfungszeitraum nur nach Vereinbarung.

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    HINWEIS: Bis einschließlich WiSe 2024/25 habe ich keine freien Betreuungskapazitäten mehr. Vorrang haben generell empirische Projekt- und Abschlussarbeiten im Themengebiet Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation.

    Allgemeine Sprechstunde

    • Dienstags, 9:30-10:00 Uhr

    Bitte melden Sie sich vorher per E-Mail an.


    Dickel, Petra; Johnson, Matthew P. (2024): Perspective-taking or Feeling? The Role of Cognitive and Affective Empathy for Adolescents' Social Entrepreneurial Intentions. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. DOI: 10.1080/19420676.2023.2299285.

    Dickel, Petra; Kronewald, Elke (2023): Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation. In: Bühler, André, Nufer, Gerd (Hrsg.): Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement in Sport und Kultur. Grundlagen - Anwendungen - Praxisbezug. Berlin, 243-265.

    Mai, Robert; Dickel, Petra (2023): What We Say = What We Think? How Implicit Beliefs Shape Nascent Entrepreneurial Behavior. Journal of Small Business Management 61(6), 2986-3026. DOI:10.1080/00472778.2021.1956505.

    Niemann, Constantin; Mai, Robert; Dickel, Petra (2022): Nurture or Nature? How Organizational and Individual Factors Drive Corporate Entrepreneurial Projects. Journal of Business Research 140(4), 155-169. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.11.065.

    Dickel, Petra; Sienknecht, Monika; Hörisch, Jacob (2021): The Early Bird Catches the Worm: An Empirical Analysis of Imprinting in Social Entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Economics 91, 127-150.

    Dickel, Petra; Eckardt, Gordon (2021): Who Wants to Be a Social Entrepreneur? The Role of Gender and Sustainability Orientation. Journal of Small Business Management 59(1), 196-218, DOI: 10.1080/00472778.2019.1704489.

    Niemann, Constantin; Dickel, Petra; Eckardt, Gordon (2020): The Interplay of Corporate Entrepreneurship, Environmental Orientation and Performance in Clean-Tech Firms – A Doubled-Edged Sword. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29, 180-196. DOI:10.1002/bse.2357.

    Mohr, Henning; Niemann, Constantin; Knapp, Katharina (2019). Hidden Potential. Intrapreneurship in Museumsorganisationen, in: Dickel, Petra; Brüggerhoff, Stefan (eds.): Hidden Potential. Intrapreneurship in Museumsorganisationen. Bochum. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3553721

    Dickel, Petra; Walter, Achim; Sienknecht, Monika; Rasmus, Anke (2019): Fallstudien zu akademischen Ausgründungen: Werdegang technologieorientierter und sozialunternehmerischer Gründer. Springer Gabler.

    Dickel, Petra; Kleemann, Linda; Bose, Tarun (2019): How Does Context Influence Entrepreneurship Education Outcomes? Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh and Germany. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 11 (3), 283-308. DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2019.10018361

    Dickel, Petra; Graeff, Peter (2018): Entrepreneurs' Propensity for Corruption: A Vignette-Based Factorial Survey. Journal of Business Research 89, 77-86.

    Dickel, Petra; Mohr, Henning; Simon, Holger (2018): Digitale Geschäftsmodelle im Kultursektor, in: Khare, Anshuman; Kessler, Dagmar; Wirsam, Jan (eds.): Marktorientiertes Produkt- und Produktionsmanagement in digitalen Umwelten - Festgabe für Klaus Bellmann zum 75. Geburtstag, Springer Gabler, 1-15.

    Dickel, Petra; Hörisch, Jacob; Ritter, Thomas (2018): Networking for the Environment: The Impact of Environmental Orientation on Start-ups' Networking Frequency and Network Size. Journal of Cleaner Production 179, 308-316.

    Dickel, Petra (2018): Exploring the Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Clean Technology Ventures. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 10 (1), 56-82. DOI: 10.1504/IJEV.2018.10008384.

    Dickel, Petra (2017): The Impact of Protectability and Proactiveness on the Environmental Performance of New Ventures. Corporate Governance 17 (1), 117-133.

    Dickel, Petra; Graeff, Peter (2016), Applying Factorial Surveys for Analyzing Complex, Morally Challenging and Sensitive Topics in Entrepreneurship Research - The Case of Entrepreneurial Ethics, in: Kuckertz, A. and Berger, E. (eds.): Complexity in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Research - Applications of Emergent and Neglected Methods. FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Springer, 199-217.

    Dickel, Petra (2015):  Linking Technologies to Markets: The Relationship of Protectability and Entrepreneurial Learning in Academic Spin-offs. Die Betriebswirtschaft 75 (4), 253-272.

    Dickel, Petra (2014): Campus Suite in 2011, in: Walter, Achim et al. (eds.): Fallstudien zur Gründung und Entwicklung innovationsorientierter Unternehmen. Einflussgrößen und theoretische Verankerung des Erfolgs, Springer Gabler, 201-206.

    Walter, Achim; Rasmus, Anke; Schmidthals, Jens; Riesenhuber, Felix; Dickel, Petra (2014): Fallstudien zur Gründung und Entwicklung innovationsorientierter Unternehmen. Einflussgrößen und theoretische Verankerung des Erfolgs, Springer Gabler.

    Dickel, Petra; Andree, Helga (2011): Entrepreneurial Learning in Energy Technology Start-ups: A Case Study in the Biogas Market, in: Wüstenhagen, Rolf; Wuebker, Robert (eds.): The Handbook of Research on Energy Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar, 58-81.

    Dickel, Petra; Rasmus, Anke; Auer, Michael; Walter, Achim (2009):  Effective Learning within Entrepreneurial Networks - The Role of External Coordination and Internal Communication. In: Walter, Achim; Auer, Michael (eds.): Academic Entrepreneurship, Gabler, 95-118.

    Dickel, Petra (2008): Marktbezogenes Lernen in akademischen Spin-Offs: Gewinnung und Integration von Marktinformationen in der frühen Phase technologiebasierter Ausgründungen, Gabler.

    Dickel, Petra; Rasmus, Anke; Walter, Achim (2008): Entrepreneurial Learning Processes in Academic Spin-offs, in: Zacharakis, A. et al. (eds.): Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Babson Park, MA, 698-712.

    Beiträge zu Konferenzen und Workshops

    Dickel, Petra; Kamann, Melanie (2024): CEO mit Haltung oder haltet den CEO? Digitale Sommerakademie des Bundesverband der Kommunikatoren (BdKom), 11. Juni.

    Dickel, Petra; Meyer, Leonie; Berner, Marie (2024): The Role of Overconfidence in Climate Change Communication: An Eye-Tracking Experiment. VHB Tagung, Lüneburg, 6.-8. März.

    Dickel, Petra (2024): Unternehmertum in öffentlichen Einrichtungen - Erfahrungen aus dem INTRAFO-Projekt. Online-Austauschtreffen Lehrwerkstatt HAAB Weimar, 23. Januar.

    Dickel, Petra; Johnson, Matthew P. (2022): Empathy in Adolescence: How does it Affect the Early Formation of Social Entrepreneurial Intentions? NAMA Herbstkonferenz, Nürnberg, 7. Oktober.

    Dickel, Petra; Johnson, Matthew P. (2022): Social Entrepreneurial Intentions of Adolescents. Paper Development Workshop des FGF Arbeitskreises Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Lüneburg, 17. März.

    Dickel, Petra (2021): Hidden Potential - Intrapreneurship in Cultural Organizations. Virtual Spring Meeting FGF Arbeitskreis Cultural & Creative Entrepreneurship, 21. Mai.

    Dickel, Petra (2021): Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation - Herausforderungen und Best Practice, Virtual Workshop Nachhaltigkeitspreis Schleswig-Holstein 2021, 18. Februar.

    Mai, Robert; Dickel, Petra (2019): Under the Tip of the Iceberg: Uncovering Implicit Associations in Entrepreneurship. G-Forum, Wien, 25.-27. September.

    Graeff, Peter; Dickel, Petra (2019): Applying a Vignette-Based Factorial Survey to the Sample of Entrepreneurs, 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Zagreb, 15.-19. Juli.

    Dickel, Petra; Brüggerhoff, Stefan (2018): Geistes-, sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliches Unternehmertum - Vorstellung des Projektes INTRAFO, Transferwerkstatt, Berlin, 14. November.

    Niemann, Christoph Constantin; Dickel, Petra; Eckardt, Gordon (2018): Entrepreneurship in Clean-Tech Firms - A Contingency Model. G-Forum, Stuttgart, 10.-12. Oktober.

    Niemann, Christoph Constantin; Dickel, Petra; Eckardt, Gordon (2018): Corporate Entrepreneurship in Clean-Tech Firms - A Contingency Model. Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), Innsbruck, 26.-28. September. (Best Paper Award)

    Dickel, Petra; Sienknecht, Monika; Hörisch, Jacob (2018): Early Imprints of Social Entrepreneurs. International Conference on Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES), Prag, 31. Mai-1. Juni.

    Niemann, Christoph Constantin; Dickel, Petra; Eckardt, Gordon (2018): Integrating Corporate Entrepreneurship and Environmental Orientation. Paper Development Workshop des FGF Arbeitskreises Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Kiel, 14. März.

    Knapp, Katharina; Dickel, Petra (2018): The Role of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and National Development Level for Social Impact Measurement of Social Ventures. Paper Development Workshop des FGF Arbeitskreises Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Kiel, 14. März.

    Hörisch, Jacob; Dickel, Petra; Ritter, Thomas (2017): Networking for the Environment: How does Environmental Orientation Influence Start-ups’ Networking Frequency and Size? Herbsttagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement des VHB,  Köln, 11.-13. Oktober.

    Dickel, Petra; Doluca, Hueseyin; Eckardt, Gordon (2017): How do Socio-Demographic and Motivational Factors Affect the Formation of Social Entrepreneurial Intentions? G-Forum, Wuppertal, 5.-6. Oktober.

    Dickel, Petra; Graeff, Peter (2017): Entrepreneurs’ Ethical Challenges and Their Propensity for Corruption: A Vignette-based Factorial Survey Study. G-Forum, Wuppertal, 5.-6. Oktober.

    Dickel, Petra; Wriedt, Hannes; Ebbers, Ilona (2017): Social Entrepreneurship als Karriereoption von Jugendlichen – eine empirische Studie. G-Forum, Wuppertal, 5.-6. Oktober.

    Niemann, Christoph Constantin; Dickel, Petra (2017): Corporate Entrepreneurship and the Franchising Context: A Review and Future Research Agenda. Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), Siegen, 20.-22. September.

    Wolgast, Maike; Niemann, Christoph Constantin; Dickel, Petra (2017): Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Public Cultural Sector: A Multilevel Perspective. Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), Siegen, 20.-22. September.

    Dickel, Petra; Graeff, Peter (2017): Entrepreneurs’ Ethical Challenges and Their Propensity for Corruption: A Vignette-based Factorial Survey Study. TIE Conference, Koblenz, 20.-22. September.

    Doluca, Hueseyin; Dickel, Petra (2017): Social Entrepreneurial Intentions: The Role of Gender, Religion and Culture. 2nd World Conference on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Istanbul, 12.-14. Mai.

    Dickel, Petra (2017): Ergebnispanel „Einsatzkräfte und Spontanhelfer: Führung, Social Media, Analyseperspektiven“ im Rahmen des BMBF-Projektes PRAKOS, München, 24. Januar.

    Dickel, Petra (2017): Drivers and Challenges of Environmentally Oriented Ventures, Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaftliches Kolloquium der Universität Kiel, 17. Januar.

    Dickel, Petra; Ritter, Thomas (2016): Linking Environmental Orientation to Start-ups’ Networking Activities. TIE Conference, Kopenhagen, 7.-9. September.

    Dickel, Petra; Ritter, Thomas (2016): The Role of Environmental Orientation in Business Networks. R&D Management Conference, Cambridge, 3.-6. Juli.

    Dickel, Petra; Godat, Frauke (2015): Problemorientiertes Lernen an der CAU. Tag der Lehre, Kiel, 12. November 2015.

    Dickel, Petra (2015): Entrepreneurial Orientation in Sustainable Business Contexts - A Contingency Approach. G-Forum, Kassel, 8.-9. Oktober.

    Dickel, Petra (2015): Innovation im Bildungssektor. Jahrestagung der BAG WiWA, Kiel, 4. März.

    Dickel, Petra (2014): Exploring the Role of Protectability and Entrepreneurial Orientation in Green Technology Ventures. G-Forum, Oldenburg, 13.-14. November.

    Dickel, Petra (2009): Ausschöpfung des Innovationspotentials durch Lead User. Innovationsclub Schleswig-Holstein, Flensburg, 26. März.

    Dickel, Petra; Walter, Achim (2007): Linking Technologies to Markets - Market-based Learning of Academic Spin-Offs. G-Forum, Aachen, 8.-9. November.

    Dickel, Petra; Rasmus, Anke; Walter, Achim (2007): Entrepreneurial Learning Processes in Academic Spin-Offs, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Madrid, 7.-9. Juni.

    Dickel, Petra; Rasmus, Anke; Auer, Michael; Walter, Achim (2007): Effective Learning within Entrepreneurial Networks: The Role of External Coordination and Internal Communication. Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), Montpellier, 28. Februar-2. März.

    Dickel, Petra (2007): Market-based Learning of Academic Spin-Offs, Copenhagen Business School, Center for Applied Market Science (CAMS) Workshop, Skagen, 10.-13. Januar.

    Dickel, Petra; Rasmus, Anke; Auer, Michael; Walter, Achim (2006): Entrepreneurial Learning of Academic Spin-offs within Business Networks. G-Forum, Berlin, 08.-11. November.