Projects - Thesis

Bachelor / Master Thesis

You are interested in a project? Do get in touch with me! I am a curious kind with a passion for new things and have a diverse background covering image processing, algorithms, numerics, embedded and digital systems, medical technology, multimedia, creative technology and ....

If you are interested in writing a Thesis under my supervision, please formulate a Thesis proposal (approx. 4 pages) including the following items:

  • Title page
    • Thesis' title suggestion
    • Author
    • Study program
    • Suggested start date
    • Suggested second examiner
  • Goal / hypothesis of the Thesis
  • Approximate content
  • Preliminary structure, i.e. tentative table of contents of Thesis
  • Delimiation, i.e. which topics are NOT part of the Thesis
  • If a company is involved with your work, describe company and mention name and contact information of company supervisors
  • Tentative project plan, e.g. Gantt Chart with milestones
  • Literature references (at least 3)

Structural Advice Bachelor / Master Thesis / Master Project (click the link to get more information)

Open Thesis / Project Topics:

  • Music and audio technology
  • Media IP streaming (AVB, AES67, Ravenna)
  • Embedded Software and Systems Development
  • Performance Computing with C++
  • Ubiquitous Computing