About “Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Users Group e.V.” As­so­cia­ti­on (EEUG Ass.)



“Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Users Group e.V.” (EEUG e.V.) was es­ta­blis­hed in 1994 as an As­so­cia­ti­on re­gis­ter­ed at the local court Of­fen­bach am Main, Ger­many. The pur­po­se of the EEUG As­so­cia­ti­on re­co­gni­zed as pu­blic-be­ne­fit or­ga­ni­za­ti­on by the tax of­fice is to or­ga­ni­ze cour­ses, mee­tings, pu­blish a news­let­ter, to act as a com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on cent­re for ATP-EMTP users, as well as to co­or­di­na­te the pro­gram dis­tri­bu­ti­on. EEUG News, of­fi­ci­al news­let­ter of the As­so­cia­ti­on, is pu­blis­hed re­gu­lar­ly. Be­si­des tech­ni­cal pa­pers, ru­b­rics such as Re­ader’s Cor­ner, Pro­gram In­for­ma­ti­on, Peop­le and Pro­files, Tips and Tricks are in­clu­ded in this news­let­ter.


The consti­tu­ti­ve mee­ting was held in 1994 in Ha­no­ver, Ger­many, where the founda­ti­on mem­bers ac­cep­ted the Char­ter.


The cur­rent Exe­cu­ti­ve Board con­sists of the fol­lo­wing elec­ted mem­bers:


• Chair­man: Prof. Dr. Hans Chris­ti­an Ho­ida­len, Trond­heim Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy, Nor­way

• De­pu­ty Chair­man: Prof. Dr. Tho­mas Hun­ger, Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­en­ces Mann­heim, Ger­many

• Se­creta­ry: Dr. Del­cho Pen­kov, Schnei­der-Elec­tric, Fran­ce

• Tre­a­su­rer: Fr. Gun­ter Lich­ten­ber­ger, DNV, Ger­many

• Mem­ber: Prof. Dr. Ha­rald Weh­rend, Uni­vier­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­en­ces Kiel, Ger­many

• Mem­ber: Dr. An­drea Man­soldo, DNV, Dubai

• Mem­ber: Dr. Kos­t­as Ve­litsika­kis, Ten­net, The Ne­ther­lands


Fol­lo­wing mem­ber­ship dues were ac­cep­ted by the Mem­bers’s Mee­ting in Zwi­ckau, Ger­many on Sep­tem­ber 18, 2012, dif­fe­ren­tia­ting bet­ween com­mer­ci­al en­ti­ties and uni­ver­si­ties:


− EUR 250 for uni­ver­si­ties

− EUR 600 for all other en­ti­ties


Mem­bers re­cei­ve free up­dates -in­clu­ded in the mem­ber­ship dues- of the ATP pro­gram and other re­la­ted pro­grams as well as of the ATP Rule Book each year. EEUG has sup­por­ted until now the de­ve­lop­ment of soft­ware PC­Plot for Win­dows and ATP Con­t­rol Cent­re run­ning under MS Win­dows 9x/NT/2K/XP and availa­ble only for the mem­bers. EEUG has been sup­por­ting fur­ther de­ve­lop­ment of ATPDraw and Plot­XY. All pro­grams are dis­tri­bu­ted on a CD-ROM with au­to­ma­tic in­stal­la­ti­on rou­ti­nes for MS Win­dows 9x/NT/2K/XP/Vista/7. Ano­ther ac­ti­vi­ty of the EEUG is the up­dating and con­ver­si­on of the ATP Rule Book into elec­tro­nic form, i. e. into Adobe Acro­bat for­mat (PDF files).


The an­nu­al Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence is com­pri­sed of the EEUG Mee­ting and one-day short cour­se. The EEUG Mee­ting which con­sists ge­ne­ral­ly of two parts; an­nu­al Mem­bers’ Mee­ting and tech­ni­cal ses­si­ons. The tech­ni­cal ses­si­ons and the Mem­bers’ Mee­ting are open to all li­cen­sed ATP-EMTP users, whe­reas only EEUG mem­bers are au­tho­ri­zed to vote for de­cis­i­ons at the Mem­bers’ Mee­ting. An EEUG cour­se ac­com­pa­nies the EEUG Mee­ting al­most every year. Until now, fol­lo­wing EEUG mee­tings and cour­ses have been held by the EEUG As­so­cia­ti­on:


1. Consti­tu­ti­ve EEUG Mee­ting in 1994 in Ha­no­ver, Ger­many

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Uni­ver­si­ty of Ha­no­ver and Os­na­b­ru­eck Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­en­ces)


2. EEUG Mee­ting 1995 and one-day MO­DELS Cour­se in Ha­no­ver, Ger­many

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Os­na­b­ru­eck Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­en­ces and Uni­ver­si­ty of Ha­no­ver)


3. EEUG Mee­ting 1996 in Bu­da­pest, Hun­ga­ry

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Bu­da­pest Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy and Eco­no­mics)


4. EEUG Mee­ting 1997 and three-days ATP cour­se on Over­vol­ta­ges and In­su­la­ti­on Co­or­di­na­ti­on Stu­dies in Bar­ce­lo­na, Spain

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Uni­ver­si­ty of Ca­ta­lo­nia)


5. EEUG Mee­ting 1998 and one-day ATP cour­se on Fre­quen­cy do­main har­mo­nic ana­ly­sis in Pra­gue, Czech Re­pu­blic

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Czech Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty)


6. EEUG Mee­ting 1999 and one-day ATP cour­se on Ef­fici­ent use of ATP and mo­del­ling of trans­for­mers with sa­tu­ra­ti­on in Giz­ze­ria Lido/Ca­la­bria, Italy

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Uni­ver­si­ty of Ca­la­bria)


7. EEUG Mee­ting 2000 and one-day ATP cour­se on Fre­quen­cy-de­pen­dent line and cable mo­de­ling in Wroclaw, Po­land

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Wroclaw Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy)


8. Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence - EEUG Mee­ting 2001 and one-day cour­se on FACTS de­vices and their mo­de­ling using ATP in Bris­tol, United King­dom

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Uni­ver­si­ty of the West of Eng­land)


9. Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence - EEUG Mee­ting 2002 in So­pron, Hun­ga­ry

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Bu­da­pest Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy and Eco­no­mics)


10. Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence - EEUG Mee­ting 2003 and one-day EEUG cour­se on ATPDRAW, MO­DELS, hier­ar­chi­cal and mul­ti­le­vel mo­de­ling in Graz, Aus­tria

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Graz Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy)


11. Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence - EEUG Mee­ting 2004 and one-day EEUG cour­se on Mo­de­ling Ro­ta­ting Ma­chi­nes & Trans­for­mers in ATP-EMTP in Trond­heim, Nor­way

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Nor­we­gi­an Uni­ver­si­ty of Sci­ence and Tech­no­lo­gy)


12. Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence - EEUG Mee­ting 2005 and one-day EEUG cour­se on Pro­tec­tion Mo­del­ling With ATP and ATPDe­si­gner in War­saw, Po­land

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: War­saw Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy)


13. Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence - EEUG Mee­ting 2006 and one-day EEUG cour­se on Mo­del­ling & Si­mu­la­ti­on of Power Elec­tro­nic De­vices With ATP-EMTP in Dres­den, Ger­many

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Dres­den)


14. Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence - EEUG Mee­ting 2007 and one-day EEUG cour­se on Ad­van­ced Use of ATPDraw for Tran­si­ent Stu­dies in Leon, Spain

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Uni­ver­si­ty of Leon)


15. Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence - EEUG Mee­ting 2008 and one-day EEUG cour­se on Tran­si­ent case Stu­dies using ATPDraw-EMTP in Cesme, Izmir, Tur­key

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Dokuz Eylul Uni­ver­si­ty, Izmir)


16. Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence - EEUG Mee­ting 2009 and one-day EEUG cour­se on Mo­del­ling of Wind and Pho­to­vol­taic Ge­ne­ra­tors with ATP-EMTP and ATPDraw in Delft, the Ne­ther­lands

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Delft Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy)


17. Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence - EEUG Mee­ting 2010 and one-day EEUG cour­se on Is­su­es in Mo­del­ling Trans­for­mers, Ma­schi­nes and their con­trol­lers using ATPDraw in Espoo Ot­a­nie­mi, Fin­land

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Aalto Uni­ver­si­ty, School of Sci­ence and Tech­no­lo­gy)


18. Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence - EEUG Mee­ting 2011 and one-day EEUG cour­se on Trans­for­mer Mo­del­ling and Fer­ro­re­son­ce Phe­no­me­na in Ohrid, Rep. of Ma­ce­do­nia

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Uni­ver­si­ty Sts Cyril and Me­tho­di­us in Skop­je, Fa­cul­ty of Elec­tri­cal En­gi­nee­ring and IT)


19. Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence - EEUG Mee­ting 2012 and one-day EEUG cour­se on Tran­si­ent Re­co­ve­ry Vol­ta­ge Ana­ly­ses in ge­ne­ra­tor ap­pli­ca­ti­ons and Ad­van­ced fea­tures in ATPDraw in Zwi­ckau, Ger­many

(Co-or­ga­ni­zer: Fa­cul­ty of Elec­tri­cal En­gi­nee­ring and For­schungs- und Trans­fer­zen­trum e.V. at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­en­ces Zwi­ckau)


20. Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence - EEUG Mee­ting 2013 and one-day EEUG cour­se on Ad­van­ced Cable Mo­del­ling Using EMTP-ATP in Dub­lin, Ire­land

(Co-or­ga­ni­zers: ESB In­ter­na­tio­nal (ESBI) and Eir­grid, Dub­lin)


21. Eu­rope­an EMTP-ATP Con­fe­rence - EEUG Mee­ting 2014 and one-day EEUG cour­se on Power Elec­tro­nics in Elec­tri­cal Power Sys­tem in Ca­glia­ri, Italy

(Co-or­ga­ni­zers: M2EC Con­sul­tan­cy for Power Sys­tem Stu­dies, Ca­glia­ri, Italy)



At pre­sent, the EEUG As­so­cia­ti­on has about 200 mem­bers, which are com­po­sed of uni­ver­si­ties and com­pa­nies in equal pro­por­ti­ons. As ex­plai­ned in the pa­ra­graph § 2 “Pur­po­se” of the Char­ter, the as­so­cia­ti­on will act pri­ma­ri­ly as a com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on cent­re for its mem­bers. Any In­sti­tu­ti­on that is wil­ling to join the As­so­cia­ti­on must have a valid li­cen­se for the use of ATP-EMTP pro­gram. Li­cen­sing means the Ap­pli­cant agrees with the li­cen­sing term by si­gning Li­cen­se Agree­ment.


The ATP-EMTP pro­gram is not a pu­blic do­main soft­ware and it is availa­ble via pass­word pro­tec­ted EEUG file ser­ver. Prin­ted ma­te­ri­als (Rule Book, Theo­ry Book, User Ma­nu­als) can be or­de­red from EEUG by fil­ling in the ap­pro­pria­te Order Forms.


An­yo­ne who got a li­cen­se may sub­scri­be to the ATP-EMTP Mai­ling List in In­ter­net, con­nec­ting about 2000 ATP users all over the world. The mai­ling list as well as EEUG file ser­ver which en­ables li­cen­sed users to down­load ATP re­la­ted ma­te­ri­als are ope­ra­ted by the EEUG.

Should you have any fur­ther ques­ti­ons, plea­se con­ta­ct:



c/o Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ha­rald Weh­rend

Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­en­ces Kiel

Fa­cul­ty of Com­pu­ter Sci­ence and Elec­tri­cal En­gi­nee­ring

Grenz­stra­ße 5

D-24149 Kiel, Ger­many


Email: weh­rend@​eeug.​org