About ATPDraw:


About the Al­ter­na­ti­ve Tran­si­ent Pro­gram (ATP)


ATP is a uni­ver­sal pro­gram sys­tem for di­gi­tal si­mu­la­ti­on of tran­si­ent phe­no­me­na of elec­tro­ma­gne­tic as well as elec­tro­me­cha­ni­cal na­tu­re. With this di­gi­tal pro­gram, com­plex net­works and con­t­rol sys­tems of ar­bi­tra­ry struc­tu­re can be si­mu­la­ted.


ATP has ex­ten­si­ve mo­del­ling ca­pa­bi­li­ties and ad­di­tio­nal im­por­tant fea­tures be­si­des the com­pu­ta­ti­on of tran­si­ents. It has been con­ti­nuous­ly de­ve­lo­ped through in­ter­na­tio­nal con­tri­bu­ti­ons over the past 20 years.


Ope­ra­ting Princi­ples


Ba­si­cal­ly, tra­pe­zo­idal rule of in­te­gra­ti­on is used to solve the dif­fe­ren­ti­al equa­ti­ons of sys­tem com­po­nents in the time do­main.

Non-zero in­iti­al con­di­ti­ons can be de­ter­mi­ned eit­her au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly by a stea­dy-state, pha­sor so­lu­ti­on or they can be en­te­red by the user for simp­ler com­po­nents.

In­ter­fa­cing ca­pa­bi­li­ty to the pro­gram mo­du­les TACS (Tran­si­ent Ana­ly­sis of Con­t­rol Sys­tems) and MO­DELS (a si­mu­la­ti­on lan­guage) en­ables mo­del­ling of con­t­rol sys­tems and com­po­nents with non­line­ar cha­rac­te­ristics such as arcs and co­ro­na.

Sym­me­tric or un­sym­me­tric dis­tur­ban­ces are al­lowed, such as faults, light­ning sur­ges, any kind of swit­ching ope­ra­ti­ons in­clu­ding com­mu­ta­ti­on of val­ves.

Cal­cu­la­ti­on of fre­quen­cy re­spon­se of pha­sor net­works using FRE­QUEN­CY SCAN fea­ture.

Dy­na­mic sys­tems also can be si­mu­la­ted using TACS and MO­DELS con­t­rol sys­tem mo­del­ling by its­elf.




Un­cou­pled and cou­pled li­ne­ar, lum­ped ele­ments.

Trans­mis­si­on lines and ca­bles with dis­tri­bu­ted and fre­quen­cy-de­pen­dent pa­ra­me­ters.

Ele­ments with non­linea­ri­ties: trans­for­mers in­clu­ding sa­tu­ra­ti­on and hys­te­re­sis, surge ar­res­ters, arcs, co­ro­na.

Or­di­na­ry swit­ches, time-de­pen­dent and vol­ta­ge-de­pen­dent swit­ches, sta­ti­s­ti­cal swit­ching (Monte-Carlo stu­dies).

Val­ves (di­odes and thy­ris­tors).

3-phase syn­chro­nous ma­chi­ne, uni­ver­sal ma­chi­ne.


Si­mu­la­ti­on Lan­guage MO­DELS


MO­DELS in ATP is a ge­ne­ral-pur­po­se de­scrip­ti­on lan­guage sup­por­ted by an ex­ten­si­ve set of si­mu­la­ti­on tools for the re­pre­sen­ta­ti­on and study of time-va­ri­ant sys­tems.


The de­scrip­ti­on of each model is en­abled using free-for­mat, key­word-dri­ven syn­tax of local con­text and that is lar­ge­ly self-do­cu­men­ting.

MO­DELS in ATP al­lows the de­scrip­ti­on of ar­bi­tra­ry user-de­fi­ned con­t­rol and cir­cuit com­po­nents, pro­vi­ding a simp­le in­ter­face for con­nec­ting other pro­grams/mo­dels to ATP.

As a ge­ne­ral-pur­po­se pro­gramma­ble tool, MO­DELS can be used for pro­ces­sing si­mu­la­ti­on re­sults eit­her in the fre­quen­cy do­main or in the time do­main.


Sup­por­ting Rou­ti­nes


Cal­cu­la­ti­on of elec­tri­cal pa­ra­me­ters of over­head lines and ca­bles using pro­gram mo­du­les LINE CON­STANTS, CABLE CON­STANTS and CABLE PA­RA­ME­TERS.

Ge­ne­ra­ti­on of fre­quen­cy-de­pen­dent line model input data.

Cal­cu­la­ti­on of model data for trans­for­mers.

Sa­tu­ra­ti­on and hys­te­re­sis curve con­ver­si­on.

Data mo­du­la­ri­za­ti­on (for $IN­CLU­DE).



Time-va­ry­ing out­put in prin­ted lists, cha­rac­ter plots, or ve­c­tor plots using se­pa­ra­te in­ter­ac­ti­ve gra­phic pro­grams TPPLOT, PC­PLOT, Plot­XY. HP-GL and Post­Script also can be pro­du­ced.

Postpro­ces­sing of mo­ni­to­red va­ria­bles using MO­DELS and/or TACS, Fou­rier ana­ly­sis.