Campus IT

The Campus IT of the UAS Kiel is the central service centre for IT infrastructures and services in the field of information and communication technologies. It is responsible for the supply of hard- and software and the further development of the required IT, network and telecommunication infrastructure at the university. 

Service Desk

Service Desk We support you with technical inquiries or problems. 
Please send your inquiries by e-mail to it-support.cit(at)



Grafik: kein Foto

Dipl.-Betr. Hauke Jensen

Head of Campus IT

Campus management systems

[Translate to English:] Hans Diestel© J. Brunn

M.Sc. Hans Diestel

Head of Campus Management, Deputy Head of Campus IT

Grafik: kein Foto

Bianca Wilgen

HISinOne Administration

[Translate to English:] Dietrich Herrmann© J. Brunn

Dietrich Herrmann

HIS GX Administration

Portrait of Regina Krüger-Carstensen© A. Diekötter

Regina Krüger-Carstensen

HIS GX Administration

Grafik: kein Foto

Katerina Novotna

HIS GX POS Administration

Applications and systems / Desktop administration

Grafik: kein Foto

Jörg Groth

Identity and access management

Grafik: kein Foto

Lasse Hänert

Administration of central applications

Portrait of Andreas Noack© A. Diekötter

Andreas Noack

Head of Applications and Service Desk

Grafik: kein Foto

Dipl.-Geophys. Stefan Sigel

Administration of central applications

Network infrastructure / telecommunications

Grafik: kein Foto

Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Himmighoffen

Head of Infrastructure

Grafik: kein Foto

Mohammad Kasem

Network infrastructure and telecommunications

Portrait of Randy Kriegel© J. Brunn

Randy Kriegel

Administration of central applications

Grafik: kein Foto

Tim Wittfooth

Telecommunication and network infrastructure

Student assistants