Concrete Goals 2021-2027

Every degree programme is different. The motivation to go abroad is just as diverse as the courses offered at our university. Nevertheless, there are recurring preferences, obstacles, hopes and issues. Do foreign partner universities offer specialisations that are not taught in Kiel and that complement your own competencies in a meaningful way? Should a particular language be learned and a culture discovered? Do career opportunities improve after a stay abroad? Are there special mobility windows? The faculties briefly outline a suitable objective for each degree programme, stating which partnerships are being sought, where and why. The objectives and contacts abroad are drawn up for each degree programme within the framework of the qualification goals set out in the examination regulations. The former are part of the internal (re-) accreditation of degree programmes. Exchange programmes that belong to the Erasmus programme - including those offered by the Franco-German University - are prioritised.

In recent years, many university partnerships have been established, and new partnerships have been added. Based on the programme-specific goals, the faculties critically review whether the partnership still meets the subject-related and organisational standards according to c.). The IO is informed of this and the further procedure is agreed upon jointly. The ZSIK can be consulted in an advisory capacity. In general, the quality of cooperation takes precedence over quantity. Lively links and relations abroad that are actively pursued by students and teachers make more sense than partnerships that are hardly cultivated. This means that established, intensive and also cross-curricular cooperations are identified (and, if necessary, designated as premium partnerships) and expanded, while other partnerships that do not meet these quality criteria are phased out.

The following criteria should be taken into account when initiating new partnerships:

  1. There is a mutual interest in the exchange of all university members, especially students (incoming and outgoing).
  2. The partnership enables a practical and/or professional added value for our students.
  3. The partner university guarantees a safe environment and has a strong welcoming culture.
  4. Instruction at the partner university has an educational level according to the European Qualifications  Framework (EQF) that corresponds to that of Kiel UAS (levels 6 and 7).
  5. Both sides intend to cooperate across faculties.

The faculties inform the IO of their assessment of the content in a suitable form. In general, the following applies: The total number of places offered abroad corresponds to the demand - all students who want to go abroad should also receive a place.

Often the rule here is "students follow staff". The faculties, therefore, create incentives for lecturers to visit partner universities abroad and teach there within the framework of Erasmus funding for university staff (staff mobility) or to attend continuing education and training courses. The Interdisciplinary Weeks offer an ideal window of opportunity for this. Lecturers are expressly encouraged to also consider longer stays abroad as part of their sabbaticals. Visiting professorships and exchange lectureships for one or two semesters are an effective means of promoting internationalisation. Each department will fill at least one temporary guest professorship abroad in the period 2021-2023, whereas the ZSIK will fill one guest lectureship. Coordination visits by administrative staff help to break down barriers and build mutual trust.

Dual degree agreements contribute significantly to the attractiveness of exchange programmes and cooperations. They offer students the possibility of acquiring a special degree along with their stay abroad. Existing agreements are to be fostered and developed further, and new degrees are to be added. All faculties are encouraged to offer students the possibility of a dual degree and will be supported accordingly. Each department should conclude at least one dual degree agreement with one of its Erasmus partner universities.

Kiel UAS intends to gradually increase the number of outgoing and incoming students in all faculties. It makes sense to achieve a balanced ratio of mobilities (incoming - outgoing). Uniform "personal allowances" for incoming and outgoing students across the entire university create a positive incentive system - they replace the previously common key figures in the agreements on objectives. In addition to longer exchange programmes, Kiel UAS also promotes the willingness of university members to be mobile through subject-related short-term stays abroad.

The faculties and the International Office promote the participation of students and researchers in international projects in the sense of applied research and teaching. The acquisition of international funding and participation in cross-border research projects is expressly welcomed and supported.

Kiel UAS uses digital administration programmes for the management of exchange programmes.

"Kiel UAS intends to increase the number of outgoing and incoming students in all faculties step by step.” Prof. Dr. Björn Christensen, President

2. Internationalisation@Home (I@H)

Foreign-language instruction strengthens the language skills of students and leads to more self-confidence. English-language module content in particular can increase motivation for a stay abroad and augment the internationality of non-mobile students. At the same time, foreign-language offerings bolster the mobility of exchange students who have no or only basic German language skills. In addition to elective modules and events during the interdisciplinary weeks, it is also possible to offer parts of subject modules in foreign languages. The faculties shall examine the extent to which English-language (Minor programmes) and subject-related short-term offers (e.g. summer schools, short programmes and intensive programmes) represent a useful addition to already existing internationalisation measures. The aim for all faculties as well as the Institute of Civil Engineering is to offer at least 30 credit points in English as part of a permanent and regular module offer. Smaller faculties that cannot achieve this goal in the short or medium term will increase the number of classes offered in English to a lesser extent. The input of lecturers from partner universities (see 1d) is particularly useful, since students can not only establish personal relations in addition to learning the target language but also get to know possible contact persons. As part of its continuing education measures, the ZSIK also offers language courses for staff of Kiel UAS after consultation with the Executive Board. Bilingual programmes take priority over programmes that are taught exclusively in English. They promote integration and combine an international orientation with the requisite demands of the working world in Germany, which is characterized by small and medium-sized enterprises. Bilingual study programmes enable graduates to communicate confidently in both German and English within a professional, specialist and social-cultural environment.

Good teaching and research are not limited to one's own city or country. And what is more, problems and challenges that lie ahead can usually be solved only in a European or global context. Therefore, teaching content with an international focus shall be increased. In addition to an international selection of topics, reading lists and sources offer a wide range of possibilities in this regard. For example, English-language publications occupy a prominent position in science worldwide. Being the lingua franca in almost all subjects, English is a basic requirement for receiving important new findings and hypotheses and discussing them with others. English-language academic literature and sources should, therefore, be an indispensable part of teaching and research - even if the language of instruction is German.

International students in Kiel are the best ambassadors for our university abroad. If they are successful, there will be numerous positive consequences. Therefore, international students (exchange students and degree-seeking students) should be backed, guided and assisted by a support service provided by the IO and the faculties (e.g. mentoring programme through buddies). The faculties will furnish international students with reliable information on schedules and module offers in a timely manner and they will take their international students’ concerns into account when planning examinations.

Kiel University of Applied Sciences offers various language courses and modules on intercultural competence with professional relevance through the ZSIK and, if applicable, lecturers from the different faculties. Credit of at least ten credit points can be awarded within the framework of interdisciplinary elective modules in all Bachelor's degree programmes. Higher credit rates and additional offers are expressly welcomed. The offer should be based on the existing contacts abroad and the interests of the users. Besides such activities for students, the ZSIK, the Centre for Learning and Teaching Development (ZLL), the IO and the Diversity Officer can offer continuing education courses on intercultural competencies for academic and non-academic staff.

Contacts abroad offer a variety of opportunities for cooperation in studies, teaching and (applied) research. The aim is to enter into and carry out international research cooperations. In addition to the acquisition of international third-party funding, other important measures of success include increasing the visibility of international research, for example, through contributions at conferences, publications or patents. The Commissioner for Technology and Knowledge Transfer as well as the Research and Development Centre Kiel University of Applied Sciences GmbH and the IO provide support in this regard.

Documents, publications and forms are important (and essential) elements of a degree programme. As an internationally operating institution of higher learning, Kiel UAS therefore provides important documents, information material and module descriptions in German and English. This also applies to pertinent information on the university's website. For the sake of uniformity and quality assurance, the translation of relevant German-language material into English is carried out centrally by the IO in cooperation with the Marketing and Communications Department of Kiel UAS.

International applicants can obtain the German university entrance qualification at the Studienkolleg of Kiel UAS. The goal is to significantly increase the number of Studienkolleg graduates, who can take up studies at Kiel UAS. In order to help students from the Studienkolleg to transition as smoothly as possible to Kiel UAS, measures are being evaluated that will make the path to the UAS easier for the Kolleg students in the future.