Exchange Students

We are delighted that you are considering Kiel University of Applied Sciences for your semester abroad. On this page you will find information on the application process, preparation of your stay and more. 

Information on all faculties and study courses is available here.

Please note that if you wish to become an exchange student at Kiel UAS, you have to be nominated by your home university. Otherwise your application cannot be processed.

If you have any questions that are not answered here, don't hesitate to contact us.

Important information for exchange students:

Summer Semester: March - August (classes usually end mid-June)

Winter Semester: September - February (classes usually end in January)

For all semester dates, please click here.

Nomination by your home institution: In order to study at Kiel UAS as an exchange student you have to be nominated by your home institution. Please contact the international offce at your home university.

Language requirements: German/ English: B2 (depending on your study programme).

The following deadlines apply for the application:

Winter Semester: 1 June

Summer Semester / European Project Semester (EPS): 1 November

The following documents have to be uploaded via our application portal “Mobility Online”:

  • Application form, signed by the applicant
    (form to be downloaded from the portal)
  • Passport photo
  • Proof of immatriculation from your home university
  • Transcript of Records
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Language certificate (German for studies in German,
    or English for EPS/BPS or studies in  English)
  • Learning Agreement
  • EPS/BPS or Project Work: Letter of Motivation (1-2 pages) – Write a short description of your study objectives and give your reasons for wanting to participate in the EPS/BPS. Describe the kind of project you expect to undertake. Give reasons why you wish to work in an international and interdisciplinary team and explain how your project semester fits in with your previous studies and your future (professional) objectives.

Online-application via Mobility Online

Mobility Online is an application portal for program/exchange students only. Information for full degree seeking students can be found here.

Application for partner programmess:

You do not have to pay tuition fees at Kiel UAS. However you will have to pay a semester fee of approximately € 270 per semester. This fee finances 

  1. your semester ticket for public transport in the whole of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg (buses and trains),
  2. the Student Services Authority (Studentenwerk) and
  3. the students Union.

Agriculture: Prof. Dr. Conrad Wiermann

Business Management: Prof. Dr. Rune E. Gulev

Cooperation managers Business:
Prof. Dr. Saskia Bochert: Georgia and overseas partnerships
Prof. Dr. Matthias Dressler: France and Spain
Contact persons Business:
Agnès Moiroux: France and Belgium
José Martínez-Marín: Spain

Civil Engineering: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Liebisch

Computer Science and Electrical Engineering: Prof. Dr. Harald Jacobsen

Mechanical Engineering: Prof. Dr. Sönke Schmidt

Media: Prof. Dr. Florian Schatz

Social Work and Health: Prof. Dr. Roswitha Pioch

The final course offers and class schedules for the respective upcoming semester are usually released at the end of July / January respectively. In order to prepare your learning agreements beforehand please use the general overviews of classes taught in English as provided by our departments and the course lists of the module database. Please have a look at the classes offered in the winter term/summer term of the previous year as many modules will be identical for the following winter term and summer term respectively. Consider the “module occurrence” of each course.

Faculty of Business Management

Semester programmes (in English):

Regular course offer (German/ English):

Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Semester programme (in English):

Regular course offer (German):

Faculty of Media
Faculty of Social Work and Health

Semester programme (in English):

Regular course offer (German/ English):

German Courses

German courses (usually 5 ECTS) are offered by the language department of Kiel UAS. Students are encouraged to participate in German courses. Different proficiency levels will be available.

Credits / Grades / Transcripts

Information in English

A Transcript of Records will be issued by the receiving institution no later than five weeks after the end of the assessment period at the receiving institution. Kiel UAS works on 60 ECTS per year. The pass mark for modules is ≥ 55%.

Course structure

Lectures (Vorlesung): Learning seminar style      

Lectures with discussion (Lehrvortrag):  Learning through discussion

Task-based courses (Übung): Processing and consolidation of learning contents in theoretical and practical applications

Course (Seminar): Work on special subject through discussions, and/or presentations from the student

Projects (Projekte): Groupwork on practical problems at the university with professional support by university lecturers

Placements (Praktika): Internship in companies or (Berufspraktischer Studienteil) institutions with professional support by university

Excursions: Study visit to provide an insight into practice

– Pflichtmodul: compulsory/mandatory module

– Wahlmodul:   optional module

– Zusatzmodul: additional module

Kiel University of Applied Sciences does not have student houses of its own. Most dormitories are owned by Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein. You might share the kitchen and bathroom facilities with other students. Rooms are subject to a minimum rental period of at least one semester (6 months). You can apply online. Please note that an application is not a guarantee to also get a room!

The Studentenwerk is an organisation that provides information and personal advising for students in Kiel. It also hosts various integration projects, tutoring programmes and cultural events.

Other dormitories not administered by the Studentenwerk:

For these private dormitories it is important to apply as early as possible. They do not use automatic systems but fill up their rooms with the first applicants.

There are a number of private dormitories and hostels in Kiel in which you can stay during your time in Kiel or while you are waiting to be offered a room from the Studentenwerk.

Temporary housing:

Other helpful links:

If you are searching for a room on the private market, please be aware of scammers!

Students from outside the EU/EEA need to apply for a residence permit BEFORE coming to Germany. Please contact the German embassy in your home country for more information. DO NOT ENTER WITH A TOURIST VISA. You will need a visa for study purposes. 

Students from EU/EEA do NOT need to apply for a residence permit. However, if you study in an EU country, but have a passport from outside the EU, you need to apply for a permit to live and study in Germany. The application is supervised by the International Office and we will provide you with additional information.

EU/European Economic Area (EEA) students: 
Please contact your local health insurance agency to apply for a European Health Insurance Card and don’t forget to bring it with you to Kiel. The card only provides basic medical services during temporary visits to another EU country. Therefore, you might also consider purchasing a private insurance covering health, travel and personal belongings.

Students from outside the EU/EEA area:
You might need to purchase a private insurance in your home country covering health, travel and personal belongings. Please check with your local visa authorities for their requirements. You will have the chance to take out a German health insurance after your arrival or have your private insurance confirmed by a health insurance officer. Students without proof of insurance cannot be enrolled at FH Kiel.

Students from countries who have negotiated a social security agreement with Germany (e.g. Switzerland, Turkey):
If you have a statutory health insurance in your home country, please ask your health insurance provider to certify that your health insurance coverage is sufficient for longer stays abroad. The corresponding forms have different names depending on your country of origin (e.g. T/A 11, ATN11 or BH6).

Please make sure you are insured during your entire stay in Germany!

Kiel UAS welcomes students from partner countries as part of the Erasmus+ International scheme.

The grant includes:

Distance (km)

   Costs per journey

100 - 499

   € 180

500 - 1999

   € 275

2000 - 2999

   € 360

3000 - 3999

   € 530

4000 - 7999

   € 820

8000 +

   € 1500

The scholarships aim at fostering the close relationship between the City of Kiel and its sister cities as well as at supporting talented international students in order to strengthen their interest in academic study and research. More information about the scholarships and appliction: Kiel Scholarship.

Kiel University of Applied Sciences cooperates with universites in Kiel's sister cities, which are:

Denmark, Aarhus:VIA University College
Estonia, Tallinn:Tallinn Technical University
Finland, Vaasa:Novia UAS
Vaasa UAS
France, Brest:Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Bretagne
Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Brest
Université de Bretagne Occidentale
Poland, Gdansk:University of Gdansk
Turkey, Antakya:Hatay Mustafa Kemal University
USA, San Francisco:

San Francisco State University
University of San Francisco

Kiel UAS awards scholarships funded by the Federal Foreign Office and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to strengthen and foster cooperations with selected partner universities. 

International students from partner universities are welcome to contact the International Office of Kiel UAS.