Degree-seeking Students

We are delighted that you are interested in taking a full degree at Kiel UAS. On this website you will find helpful information about the university, application and the immatriculation process as well as about the campus life.

Information on Application

General information on studying in Germany:

How to proceed:

1. Check whether you can directly study in Germany. On the Anabin database or through uni-assist you will find information on how your school leaving certificate will be evaluated. This evaluation decides whether you first have to atten a one-year course at a preparatory college or whether you can directly apply to a university.

You can find information on university entrace qualification here

2.a: In case your home degree is not sufficient for studying in Germany, you can apply to the preparatory college at Kiel University of Applied Sciences.

2.b: In case your home degree is sufficient for studying in Germany, you can apply directly to Kiel University of Applied Sciences via uni-assist. You can find the range of study programmes at Kiel University of Applied Sciences here. Furthermore, you can find here more information for applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification.

Information for applicants about the recognition of German language certificates

All our Bachelor programmes are taught inGerman language, most of our Master programmes as well.

All information about the language skills required for an admission can be found under the following link:
Required language skills

All our bachelor programmes are taught inGerman language, most of our Master programmes as well.

We offer three master programmes in English language:

All information about required English language skills can be found on the page of the respective degree programme.

You do not have to pay tuition fees at Kiel UAS. However you will have to pay a semester fee per semester. This fee finances 

  1. your semester ticket for public transport in the whole of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg (buses and trains),
  2. the Student Services Authority (Studentenwerk) and
  3. the students Union.

First steps after Admission

Have you already been admitted and will soon be able to start your dream degree programme at Kiel University of Applied Sciences? 

A new start in a new country is very exciting and thrilling, but also brings with it many challenges. In order to provide the best possible support for our international students who are coming to Germany to study, we are offering the virtual orientation programme BaMaPLUS (Bachelor-Master-Plus) from summer semester 2024.

Have you already received your admission in your desired study programme at the Kiel University of Applied Sciences? Congratulation!

Do you ask yourself what to do as of now? Please find all the useful and important information in our broschure Guide for International Degree Seeking Students.

To have a better overview of all the steps you should do before and after your arrival in Kiel, we have prepared this checklist for you. Feel free to use ist as your compass for your orientation.

Students from outside the EU/EEA need to apply for a residence permit BEFORE coming to Germany. Please contact the German embassy in your home country for more information. DO NOT ENTER WITH A TOURIST VISA. You will need a visa for study purposes. 

Students from EU/EEA do NOT need to apply for a residence permit. However, if you study in an EU country, but have a passport from outside the EU, you need to apply for a permit to live and study in Germany. The application is supervised by the International Office and we will provide you with additional information.


Please note that you will need to have a proof of adequate financial support for the living cost in Germany, since you will be considered as a self-financed student. As of January 2023 is the presumed annual amount for a foreign student in Germany 11,208 Euros. Please visit the website of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany for more information.

Important: Before you start your study programme at FH Kiel, you need to have financial resources that can cover the entire period of your program. The number of scholarships/ subsidies is rather limited and in most cases can cover only a part of your living expenses for a short period of time.

General information:

There are many diferrent types of scholarships. Please visit the DAAD Scholarship-Database for an extensive list of scholarships, for which you could possibly apply.

Please click here for more information regarding scholarships.



International Students without a German Abitur/High School Diploma („Bildungsausländer“) in their final semester who are in need of financial assistance are eligible to apply for financial aid. The requirements are good academic performance and a verifiable financial need. The end-of-studies subsidy shall help the scholarship holder to not have to work during their thesis.

Please apply at the International Office after you have registered your thesis. A committee will decide about the award of the scholarships.

Application Deadline: 1.3./ 1.6. / 1.9.

EU/European Economic Area (EEA) students: 
Please contact your local health insurance agency to apply for a European Health Insurance Card and don’t forget to bring it with you to Kiel. The card only provides basic medical services during temporary visits to another EU country. Therefore, you might also consider purchasing a private insurance covering health, travel and personal belongings.

Students from outside the EU/EEA area:
You might need to purchase a private insurance in your home country covering health, travel and personal belongings. Please check with your local visa authorities for their requirements. You will have the chance to take out a German health insurance after your arrival or have your private insurance confirmed by a health insurance officer. Students without proof of insurance cannot be enrolled at FH Kiel.

Students from countries who have negotiated a social security agreement with Germany (e.g. Switzerland, Turkey):
If you have a statutory health insurance in your home country, please ask your health insurance provider to certify that your health insurance coverage is sufficient for longer stays abroad. The corresponding forms have different names depending on your country of origin (e.g. T/A 11, ATN11 or BH6).

Please make sure you are insured during your entire stay in Germany!

Kiel University of Applied Sciences does not have student houses of its own. Most dormitories are owned by Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein. You might share the kitchen and bathroom facilities with other students. Rooms are subject to a minimum rental period of at least one semester (6 months). You can apply online.

Other dormitories not administered by the Studentenwerk:

Temporary housing:

Other helpful links:

If you are searching for a room on the private market, please be aware of scammers!

Campus Life

The International Club of the International Office is a meeting place for all students at Kiel University of Applied Sciences. We offer various exciting events during the lecture periods. This gives you, the students of Kiel University of Applied Sciences, the opportunity to make new contacts and get to know other cultures. Would you like to take part? Take a look at the upcoming dates of our events and come along! 

Want to be part of the International Club? Great! You can easily register here.

If you would like to have specific advice or consultation during your studies at Kiel UAS, you are welcome to contact our colleagues at the following institutions at Kiel UAS:

Central Student Counselling Service
Studentenwerk SH
AStA - General Student Committee

You can find further information here.


What is the AStA?

AStA – this term is encountered by almost all students during their studies. The General Student Committee is hidden behind this abbreviation.

The AStA is an important body for representing the interests of students and takes care of matters that go beyond the individual departments. It is the executive body among the student bodies.

According to Section 72 of the Law on Universities and the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein (HSG), an AStA is required at every university in the state. He represents the student body externally and carries out their business.

The AStA has departments for a wide range of tasks and a board that coordinates and monitors everything.

Tasks of AStA:

  • The refund of the fee for the semester ticket
  • Social and queer concerns of students
  • Communication and coordination between the departments
  • University sports
  • Activities and events for students
  • Advice on law and BAföG

The sports office at Kiel UAS offers all students and staff an attractive and constantly changing sports programme. Most of the programme is organised by the sports office itself in conjunction with the great commitment of sports enthusiasts at the UAS. Further offers from external groups, course providers and the Christian-Albrechts-University complete the programme. We endeavour to create a balanced programme every semester so that as many people as possible can find a suitable balance to their studies, research and teaching.

You can enjoy your lunch break with other students at the Schwentinenmensa during lecture times. 

You can also stop by the American Diner for a short break between lectures and treat yourself to a snack. 

You can discover more canteens in Kiel on the Studentenwerk website and take a look at the menu of the week for each canteen online in advance.

Are you looking for specific literature or course material for your studies? Please contact our colleagues in the library.

A good university is more than the sum of its lecture theatres and seminar rooms. It is a place for teaching, development and research, but also a place for personal encounters and experiences. Therefore, not only excellent teaching, but also the communication of history, art and culture on campus is a demanding challenge to which Kiel University of Applied Sciences is committed as a modern university.

With a wide range of different events and projects, the Bunker-D cultural and communication centre, the computer museum, the media dome and the observatory expand the educational and cultural offerings of Kiel University of Applied Sciences.

Numerous cross-university projects also complement the cultural programme on campus:

News and tips, projects and developments, interesting facts from the campus – these are the topics the editorial staff consisting of students of the UAS Kiel is reporting on.

Do you want to contribute or do you have comments and feedback? Feel free to contact us:

Gain experience at CampusTV:

  • Editorial
  • Video Journalism
  • Social Media Management
  • Interviewing
  • Live Streaming

Find us on Instagram and YouTube.

Live programmes on Kiel FM 101.2 MHz

Mondays to Fridays from 12-13 o'clock and Thursdays from 8-10 o'clock all information about the campus and always a brand new playlist.

Go to the livestream:

To find out more about what's going on at Kiel UAS, you can also take a look at our campus magazine Viel. 

You can also subscribe to it!