Research and development

Third-party research

2019 scientific assistance and evaluation of the project “Wir sind viele-gegen Rassismus” of the German Network Association of Migration Organisations ( Promoted by the of the Federal Commissioner for Migration and Refugees

2016 restabilisation of the European border regime. Promoted by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation

2014 applicant, curator and scientific director of the congress and research project “The Art of Being Many” financed by public funds, Hafen City University and Hamburg University

Curator and scientific director of the congress and research project “Postmigrant City” within the New Hamburg theatre and exhibition project of the “Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg”

2010-2013 project coordinator of the section “Border Crossings” within the EU project MIG@NET transnational digital networks. migration and gender, the seventh EU framework programme, FP7 Co-operation Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities, Hamburg Universitiy

2008-2009 co-applicant and project coordinator for Germany in the EU project “Young Urban Cartographies YouMap” within the “Education and Culture DG: Youth in Action Programme” at the Hamburg University

2004 – 2006 co-applicant, conception and realisation of the initiative project “Forschungs- und Ausstellungsprojekt Transit Migration” by the state government’s cultural foundation at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, Johann Wolfgang-Goethe University Frankfurt am Main


Research project publications

2016 in collaboration with Brigitta Kuster: E-PAPER «Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn» - refugees and migrants on the outskirts of Europe. Hotspots Lesbos, a publication of the Heinrich Böll Foundation

2016 in collaboration with Brigitta Kuster: analysis, perspectives and recommended actions for the European refugee policy, the EU border regime, the EU’s external borders and border security, Policy Brief, 6. Heinrich Böll Foundation

2016 “Rassismus In Deutschland. Wenn die Aufnahmegesellschaft Integration verweigert.“

In: WELT-SICHTEN. Magazin für Globale Entwicklung und ökumenische Zusammenarbeit. edition 9/2016, p. 20-21

2015 mobile commons. 12/2015

2015 „Die Grenzschutzpolitik der EU muss sich ändern.“Mediendienst, date last accessed: 5/8/2015.

2015 The militaristic tackling of immigration has been decided. AnalyzeGreece!, date last accessed: 222/208/2015.

2014 „Diversity ist die Antwort- was war mal die Frage? Interkulturelle Öffnung als gesellschaftliche Perspektive“, in: Diakonie (ed.): Interkulturelle Öffnung Führungsaufgabe oder Feigenblatt? Organisationsentwicklung in einer Diakonie der Vielfalt. Berlin, p. 15-21

2012 in collaboration with Brigitta Kuster: mig@net - Transnational Digital Networks, Migration and Gender. Thematic Report “Border Crossings”

2012 in collaboration with Nikos Trimikliniotis and Dimitris Parsanoglou: mig@net - Transnational Digital Networks, Migration and Gender. Thematic Report “Social Movements”: Migrant digitalities and germinal social movements in three arrival cities: Mobile commons transforming the urban questions?

2010 Notes on the high-tech industry of European Border Control: Migration control and the arms industry in EU security research policy. In: Statewatch Bulletin, Vol. 19, No. 3 (Juli-September)

2010 in collaboration with Serhat Karakayali and Sabine Hess: Transnational Migration. Theory and method of an ethnographic analysis of border regimes. In: University of Sussex, Sussex Centre for Migration Research, Working Paper 55

2009 in collaboration with Berenice Hernandez: Final Version of Monographic Presentation and Analysis of Each Setting - Cross Analysis of WPs 2, 3, 4 and 5. TRESEGY - Contract no.: 029105, Toward a social construction of a European youth: the experience of inclusion and exclusion in the public sphere among second generation migrated teenagers, Scientific Deliverable no. 21.

2009 in collaboration with Berenice Hernandez: Monographic Report on Ethnographic Data, Berlin/KreuzbergWP5, TRESEGY - Contract no.: 029105, Toward a social construction of a European youth: the experience of inclusion and exclusion in the public sphere among second generation migrated teenagers, Scientific Deliverable no. 17



Since 2018 member of the EU expert commission “Agency for Fundamental Rights” (FRA)

2016-2017 member of the commission “Refugee and Immigration Policy” of the Heinrich Böll Foundation

Since 2015 member of the editorial board of the journal “Movements. Journal für kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung”

Since 2014 liaison lecturer of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation

2014 – 2016 advisory board member of the Impulse Theatre Festival

Since 2014 member of the Council on Migration

Since 2012 member of the section “migration sociology” and “ethnic minorities” at the DGS

2011 – 2013 member of the Migration Research Group, Department of Diversity and Social Conflict, Humboldt University Berlin

2011 – 2015 member of the “Emmanuel Wallerstein Team on Global Polarisation of the International Sociological Association” (ISA)

Since 2008 “Netzwerk kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung“ co-founder with Sabine Hess.

The network examines the effectiveness of borders regarding the migration management and analyses the role of the migrants in negotiations of symbolic, political and legal “borders” that determine their situation. It helps to promote young talents and to create a link between knowledge policy and activism. URL:


Honorary positions:

1996 – 2006 board member at the Hamburg Institute of Migration and Racism Research (IMiR)

1999 – 2001 association’s board of the St. Pauli neighbourhood association

1996 – 2001 association’s board of the “Internationale Jugendverbände e.V. (AGIJ) working group