
Final report of the study now available online:

Groß, Melanie (2021): Bindekräfte der Freiwilligen Feuerwehren in Schleswig-Holstein. Zugehörigkeit, Gemeinschaft, Diversität und demokratisches Miteinander (PDF)

Information from Melanie Groß on the study "Bindekräfte der Freiwilligen Feuerwehren in Schleswig-Holstein" (2017-2019).

Article in the taz from the 08.06.18 by Gareth Joswig and Andreas Speit "Rechte Tendenzen bei der Feuerwehr? Innenminister diskreditiert Abfrage"

Comment in the taz from the 08.06.18 by Andreas Speit "Vertane Chance"

Melanie Groß / Katrin Niedenthal (Hg.)


Geschlecht: divers. Die »Dritte Option« im Personenstandsgesetz – Perspektiven für die Soziale Arbeit

The “third option” for the non-binary gender entry at the registry office has been possible since December 2018 with the amendment of the personal statute law. But not all required legal conditions to recognise gender diversity have been implemented yet, although the acknowledgement of the gender category “diverse” has resulted in the necessary professional reflection and institutional changes in social work. The authors of this book provide a critical analysis of the social and professional discourse on gender diversity and contribute to a further theoretical, conceptional and institutional development within social work.

Reading sample

Report of the free radio Neumünster from the 13.03.2020 with an assessment by Melanie Groß on the change of the usage contract of the Geschwister Scholl Haus by municipal policy: "Politik in Pinneberg verboten? Politische Antifa-Jugendarbeit jedenfalls schon"

Statement by Melanie Groß for the internal committee of Schleswig-Holstein on the topic "Better protection of democrats against right-wing threats" SPD Fraction, Printed matter 19/1605 and "Fighting right-wing threats" Alternative request of the CDU, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and FDP fractions, printed matter 19/1664.

Statement by Melanie Groß on the Niqab prohibition topic for the education committee of the Landtag Schleswig-Holstein is now online:


"Stellungnahme Gesetzentwurf zur Änderung HSG (Gesetzentwurf der Fraktion der AfD) Anhörung zum Thema Gesichtsschleier (Antrag der Fraktionen von CDU, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen und FDP)"…/umd…/02500/umdruck-19-02589.pdf

Review of the parliamentary elections and the success of the AfD – Talk with Dr. Melanie Groß and Peter Spilok. Online: Freies Radio Neumünster. Infomagazin from the 28.09.17

Carstensen, Tanja/Groß, Melanie/Schrader, Kathrin (Hg) (2016): care | sex | net | work. Feministische Kämpfe und Kritiken der Gegenwart. Münster: Unrast Verlag


Groß, Melanie (2016): Und plötzlich gärtnern alle. Theoretische, konzeptionelle und methodische Perspektiven für Gardening und Commons in der Jugendarbeit. München: oekom Verlag. Introduction (PDF)

My interview from the FUMA annual conference 2016 in Essen is online:


My presentation "my gender is music - Geschlechterinszenierungen in Jugendkulturen" at the FUMA annual conference 2016 in Essen is online:

At the 9th July 2015, an interview with Melanie Groß was published in Fanzine Underdog: Intersectionality and queer interventions: Gender is a practice, not a characteristic


At the conference "Fanzines - Schaufenster in Jugendkulturen" in Berlin (L'Ettretage) we present and discuss the interim results of our research project Stagings of Gender in the research association of bricolage in youth cultures (JuBri – Techniques of youth bricolage. Further information about the conference:

In 2015, there were four regional conferences by the network OKJA in SH on the topic "Municipal added value open child and youth work" in Schleswig-Holstein, where Prof. Dr. Wendt (Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences) and I gave talks and had an exchange of expertise on politics, administration, municipality and professionals. The dates were: 2 June Schwarzenbek, 22 June Pinneberg, 13 October Schlewsig, 9 November FH Kiel always from 17-20 hrs.

Melanie Groß: Armut wird wegdefiniert. Frankfurter Rundschau, 19. April 2015

Together with the team from the G(a)arden(ing)!-Projekt and some other actors I founded the association Allerland e.V. in April 2015, to support Commons and Gardening-Projects!

Research on the topic of sexualised violence – compilation of exemplary texts, guidelines and initiatives

zebra - Zentrum für Betroffene rechter Angriffe e.V. is supported by: Press report and Declaration of support

The Kieler Nachrichten report about the Projekt G(a)arden(ing)! in the issue from 11. August 2014: Gardening with a social aspect

Interview with Melanie Groß at the platform about being a girl and social devaluation (23. July 2014).

The association zebra - Zentrum für Betroffene rechter Angriffe e.V. was found in July 2014, to establish independent counselling for victims of right-wing violence in Schleswig-Holstein. We are co-signers of the Quality standard for counselling of those affected by right-wing, racist and antisemitic violence in Germany.

Social scientist Melanie Groß discusses the background of the Flora-riots: "Kirsch gießt Öl ins Feuer". In: taz - die tageszeitung from 04.02.2014

Melanie Groß: Die Wut ist vorhersehbar. Hamburg: Die Medienstrategie nach dem 21.12.2013 dient nur der Ordnungspolitik. In: analyse & kritik, Jg. 44, Nr. 590, from 21.01.14, page 1+4

Melanie Groß: Strategie der Aufrüstung. Rote Flora Hamburg, Frankfurter Rundschau from 07.01.2014

Gender debate about the Barbie house „Pink bedeutet erst mal nichts“ Interview from Violetta Simon with Prof. Dr. Melanie Groß (PDF), 17.05.13 Sü

Making youth work queer! About necessities and chances of a youth work that is critical of heteronormativity
Contribution to the specialist conference: Sexual orientation and homophobia in youth work, 04.09.2013, Krefeld