Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kenji Reichling

Prof. Reichling is professor for Building Materials Technology at the Institute of Civil Engineering and is head of the ‘Laboratory for Building Materials and Structure Diagnostics’. He is responsible for the modules Technology of Construction Materials I and II, Building Materials, Construction Chemistry and Environmental Compatibility, Maintenance and Repair of Structures and varying elective modules in the Civil Engineering and Architecture degree programs. In addition, he supervises the concrete canoe team.
Information on the individual courses can be found in the module database.
Prof. Reichling has been teaching and researching at the FH Kiel since the establishment of the Institute for Civil Engineering in 2018.
He was previously an employee at the main office of the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb) in Berlin. He was the project leader of "TA SIB", which was responsible for the development of the maintenance guideline "Instandhaltungs-Richtlinie" that was later published as "TR Instandhaltung" by the DIBt. He also led the joint research project ‘Knowledge Transfer in Civil Engineering (WiTraBau)’ in which a system was developed and applied to enable and accelerate the transfer of research results into practice.
After studying civil engineering at RWTH Aachen University, Prof. Reichling completed his doctorate at the Institute for Building Materials Research (ibac). Since then his research focuses on the areas of structural diagnostics, corrosion of steel in concrete and structural sensor technology. During his doctoral research, he focused on developing measurement methods to determine the electrical resistance of concrete in reinforced structures. In this process, he also developed a multi-electrode probe that allows an electrical resistance tomography on reinforced concrete structures. Another focus was on the development of the Delta-Sensor, a measurement methodology that enables potential mapping without reinforcement connection, as well as the automation of non-destructive testing procedures (e.g. Betoscan). Several of his developed testing procedures and sensors (e.g. Delta-Sensor, Smart-Deck, see also here) were successfully patented. In addition to his research activities, he conducted several structure examinations and diagnostics.
Prof. Reichling’s research focuses are on the development of sustainable concretes and mortars, as well as the development of diagnostic testing methods for reinforced concrete structures. His further technical expertise lies in the preservation of reinforced concrete structures, the corrosion of steel in concrete, non-destructive testing methods and structural sensor technology.
Prof. Reichling is an active member of various professional committees and associations, including the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb) and the German Society for Non-Destructive Testing (DGZfP). A list of his memberships, publications and further information can be viewed at ORCiD and ResearchGate.