Renewable Offshore Energies / Offshore Systems Engineering

Climate change and geopolitical developments are making renewable energies the focus of future energy supply.

Due to the large energy potential of wind and waves, renewable energies are attaining a special role in the offshore sector. Offshore wind energy will follow a steep expansion path and develop into an important pillar of the energy transition. At the same time, it is flanked by the increased use of wave and tidal energy.

Above all, offshore means challenging environmental conditions that the systems have to withstand. Graduates of the 'Renewable Offshore Energies' course develop innovative solutions to enable safe and economical operation of these climate-neutral energy producers.

The seven-semester bachelor’s programme offers future-oriented training based on a broad mechanical and shipbuilding engineering programme. Graduates master the offshore language, but are also qualified to work in general mechanical engineering and shipbuilding.

In wind turbines (WT), the power of the wind alone is used to generate electricity with the help of rotor blades and a turbine.

On the high seas, the annual wind harvest is significantly larger than on the mainland. In the meantime, turbines with a nominal output of 15 megawatts are being developed. If, for example, 200 units of this type are set up in an offshore wind farm, it would allow a coal-fired power plant to be shut down in its place.

Offshore wind energy is already playing leading role in the energy transition worldwide. In addition to permanently installed wind turbines, floating systems will also be developed and built in the future in order to be able to use sea areas with greater water depths for offshore wind energy.

Many countries in Europe have coastal regions where the use of sea waves as a renewable energy source is an option.

The waves carry a high level of kinetic energy, which can be used by wave power plants to either pump water or generate electricity. Theoretically, more electrical energy can be generated by wave power than is consumed worldwide. However, so far only a few prototypes in the world are able to work robustly and safely for several years. There is still a lot to be done so that wave power plants can reach a technological level and this form of renewable energy be used industrially.

Tidal power plants use the potential and kinetic energy of the water at low and high tide to generate electricity. They are erected in bays and estuaries. Due to the gravitational pull of the moon, the water facing the moon is attracted. This means there are high and low tides over the course of the day, which cause a water current. This water flow is used in tidal power plants to drive turbines that operate at both high and low tide. The greater the tidal range between high and low tide, the more electrical energy can be generated.

The primary source of all renewable energies is the sun. Solar energy can be converted into electrical energy using photovoltaic (PV) systems, or water can be heated using solar thermal collectors. The orientation to the sun, the degree of shading (e.g. clouds) and the efficiency of the system itself are decisive for the performance of a photovoltaic or solar thermal system. Water surfaces are now also being used as an alternative to PV systems on roofs and open spaces. Such floating PV systems have a substructure with floating bodies like a kind of pontoon, which is placed in standing water or on the sea. The floating solar systems are showing very dynamic growth worldwide with more than one gigawatt of installed capacity per year.


The course combines content from mechanical engineering and shipbuilding studies and teaches the skills required to work as an engineer in an offshore environment. The course offers a solid education as an engineer and optimally prepares students for a job in the offshore sector.

In the first few semesters, the mathematical and scientific basics as well as engineering knowledge are taught according to the curriculum. In addition to the technical modules, interdisciplinary modules are offered from the 3rd semester that prepare for work in international teams. These include social skills (soft skills), Technical English, Business Administration and Law as well as project management.

The offshore-specific knowledge can be selected from a wide range of elective modules depending on desired focus:

  • Introduction to Offshore Wind Energy Technologies
  • Loads on Offshore Structures
  • Geotechnical and Structural Fundamental, Weather and Climate
  • Project Planning, Construction and Foundation of Offshore Stuctures
  • Wind Energy Technologies
  • Manufacturing Technology for Large Components
  • Assembly Technology for Large Plants
  • Corrosion Protection
  • Offshore Logistics
  • Maintenance, Operation and Dismantling
  • Envorinmental Protection Offshore
  • Risk Analysis amd Occupational Safety Offshore
  • Introdcution to the FE Method
  • Introduction to Durability
  • Methodical Product Development
  • Hydraulics and Drive Technology
  • Stength of Ships for Offshore Stuctures
  • Design of Ships for Offshore Deployment
  • Hydrostatic
  • Hydrodynamics, Drag and Propulsion
  • Analysis for Transport and Installation Phases

The course is accompanied by numerous interesting projects. By working together, the knowledge acquired can be used and expanded during the course of study. The course concludes with the academic degree Bachelor of Engineering.

The course is accompanied by numerous interesting projects. By working together, the knowledge acquired can be used and expanded during the course of study. The course concludes with the academic degree Bachelor of Engineering.