Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sönke Schmidt

Thermodynamics and its Application
Telephone:+49 431 210-2619
Grenzstrasse 3
24149 Kiel
Room: C12-2.35
24149 Kiel
Room: C12-2.35
Prof. Dr. Schmidt is professor of Thermodynamics and its Application at the faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He teaches on thermodynamics, physics, mathematics, combustion engines and vehicle technology.
He is head of Institute of Design and Development as well as international officer for the faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
Information on the individual courses can be found in the module database.
- Since July 2006 professor at UAS Kiel, faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- 2001 - Juni 2006 developer at NexPress GmbH Kiel
- 1999 and 2000 scientific assistant at at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Kiel University
- 1998 Studies abroad at University of California Irvine
- Doctorate at the Institute of Physical Chemistry
- Diploma at the Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics
- Studies and graduation in physics at Kiel University