[Translate to English:] Kinematik fkinematics for clean circular saws: clean edges, clean air
cleanematics is a four-joint kinematics that results in clean edges and clean air while using a circular saw. Other mechanisms will follow.
The principle is described on the following Flyer: Flyer
It is applicable from hand-held circular saws up to large sawing plants, protected as registered design and applied for an international patent.
The cut edges of the kitchen counter are much cleaner in the case of the cleanematics-saw (CM) than from commercial comparison models (V1 and V2) due to the pressing power of two roles whose common base circle is aligned to the blade’s escape line.

Potential for optimisation is offered by the possibility to set the pressing power with springs according to the material (see video, in front of the saw shoe).
Thanks to the rolls, you can also increase the tool’s life. Saw blades that are specially sharpened to prevent cracks can only take effect as long as they are sharp.
The first experiments in comparison with common circular saws showed that there is a much higher quota of chip collection in the whole depth of the cut:

In the whole depth of the cut, an average of 88% of chips were collected without suction. [Common circular saws seem to be optimised to an average cutting depth and collect around 69% of chips].
Experiment description: for every cutting depth, we made so many cuts that at least m=40g of chips were produced (t=4mm m=20g). The mass of produced and collected chips was calculated with the help of differential weighing on the edge and the chip bag. The weighing precision is 1g, i.e. 2.5% of the minimum chip amount.

Thanks to a new blade and some fine tuning, the figures are now at 94% catch quota – even without suction. While looking at the comparison models, you can see how they open up through an increase in the suction power and that an aerodynamic design of the catch cover has a great impact. Here we still have potential for optimisation.