Characteristics of the Degree

Good reasons for the IVE degree

Certainly, every university claims its degrees have special characteristics that are particular or even unique.

As those responsible for the degree, we are convinced that the degree in ‘Industrial engineering international sales and purchasing’ (IVE) has a range of characteristics that are especially competitive and promising in terms of study quality and market relevance.

Genuine target-group-specific design of lectures

Hybrid study degrees such as IVE move between various scientific disciplines (like technology and economics) concerning their learning and teaching goals. Students of the degree can be sure that this balancing act is completed successfully by adjusting topics to the target group and its problems if necessary. From a didactic conceptual view, we are always trying to follow the example.

In this sense, the words of Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) are valid:

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."

It means that students and lecturers are entering the chance and commitment to get involved inside and outside of seminars.

Regular evaluations

The aspiration for constant improvement of study quality and satisfaction is self-evident and requires a constructive dialogue of all those involved. This principle is implemented through regular (anonymous) lecture evaluations by the students. Results of these evaluations will be published transparently to build an essential foundation for realising our common quality standards.

We teach, what we live

The coupling of engineering competencies and the requirements of the procurement and sales markets embodies the central education aim of the IVE degree. Being aware of this intention, it is consistent that we see the degree as a product and search for answers about the quality of our work in the job market. The given appreciation of the IVE degree in the market is very high, without exaggeration. As evidence for this finding, IVE graduates of the UAS Kiel receive the FERCHAU advancement award from the market leader in engineering services every year.

No teaching methods from yesterday for learning and quality goals from tomorrow

Antoine de Saint-Exupery - Author of the popular tale "The Little Prince" – made the following statement:

‘It is not the ship that results from the forging of nails and sawing of boards. It is rather the forging of nails and sawing of boards that results from the urge towards the sea and the rising of the ship.’

For those responsible for the IVE degree, this philosophy has great significance – also because of their professional experience.

In this sense, we are convinced that the preparation of students for a successful professional activity cannot only be based on the teaching of facts because knowledge is fast becoming outdated. That’s why we complement the theoretical and methodical fields of competence with social and intercultural aspects.

Therefore, the IVE degree is a worthwhile investment in your education – professional and personal!