Examination Office
Please send all written requests to the examination officeonly using your university e-mail address and with your matriculation number to the following e-mail addresses:
- Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering: pruefungsamt.iue(at)fh-kiel.de
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: pruefungsamt.maschinenwesen(at)fh-kiel.de
Opening hours
Dear students,
Please contact us
- by e-mail:
- Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering: pruefungsamt.iue@fh-kiel.de
- Department of Mechanical Engineering: pruefungsamt.maschinenwesen@fh-kiel.de
- opening hours Wednesday 09.15h-11.15h in the examination office in building C12 next to the library entrance
- we can not offer telephone hours due to the current staff situation
You are welcome to drop your thesis and all other documents in a closed envelope in the mailbox on the right. The box is reliably emptied in the morning and the contents are stamped with the receipt stamp of the previous working day. You are also welcome to send us your thesis/documents by mail (registered mail recommended) to
Fachhochschule Kiel, Prüfungsamt Informatik und Elektrotechnik/Maschinenwesen, Grenzstr. 3, 24149 Kiel
Thank you very much for your help and stay healthy!
Your examination office
FB Informatik und Elektrotechnik
Prof. Dr. Harald Wehrend
24149 Kiel
Room: C06-1.03
Please send routine questions, for example about entries in QIS, applications or notices to the general address of the examination office pruefungsamt.iue(at)fh-kiel.de.
FB Maschinenwesen
Prof. Dr.- Patrick Moldenhauer
24149 Kiel
Room: C05-0.32