Question: I am an applicant with a Bachelor's degree that I obtained outside the Bologna area (see Bologna Process). Do I have to proof the GRE test?

Answer: Yes, you have to proof the GRE test with a minimum percentile of 55% in the Quantitative Reasoning part of the test.


Question: Can I study the Master Computer Science with a six semester (180CP) Bachelor degree?

Answer: Yes, for the Master Program you need at least a 180 CP Bachelor degree, 120 of the CPs should be Computer Science core competencies (i.e. Mathematics, IT, Algorithms and Data Structures, Programming and Databases, Software Engineering, Network and Project Management). The European Bachelor + Master studies require 300 CPs in total. Our Master program includes 90 CPs. I.e. if you can proof 180 Bachelor CPs you can be approved for our Master program. Accordingly, you have to accomplish the remaining 30 CPs. These CPs can be accomplished at our University also during your Master studies.


Question: Can I be admitted to the master's program even if I do not yet have all the certificates from the bachelor's program?

Answer: Admission to the Master's degree program may [...] also be granted if the first university degree has not yet been obtained due to the absence of individual examination results, but it is to be expected that the degree will be obtained in good time [...] based on the course of study and the examination results achieved to date and the other admission requirements are fulfilled. [...] A prerequisite for participation in the selection procedure or enrollment is that no more than 15 of the credit points required for the respective Bachelor's degree may be missing by the respective application deadline. (see Einschreibeordnung §3 (3))


Question: The Master Computer Science is an English program. Do I need an English certificate to be admitted?

Answer: Proof of English language skills can be provided as follows:
(1) by school reports proving proficiency in the foreign language for at least five years up to the degree entitling the holder to university admission or
(2) English as a native language or
(3) by successfully completing a university degree course in English, or
(4) by an internationally recognized certificate at B2 level or higher (CEFR), e.g. a corresponding Cambridge ESOL qualification.


Question: I understand that applying through Uniassist involves fees. To save on costs, I would like to know if I can submit my application documents directly to your university for initial evaluation. Please let me know if I meet the program requirements before I proceed with the formal application through uni-assist.

Answer: Different people take part in the evaluation process, which is why we need Uniasst. Unfortunately, We can't offer any other way than uniassist. You can check whether you meet the requirements on our website

https://www.fh-kiel.de/en/degree-courses/courses/computer-science -> Application -> Requirements.


Question: Due to delays in the issuing of visas, I am unable to start my studies at Kiel University of Applied Sciences without delay. Can I postpone my admission to a later semester and is it possible to take online courses?

Answer: The curriculum at Kiel University of Applied Sciences is very flexible. It is therefore possible to design an individual course schedule, in particular you can also start your studies later. However, we are currently unable to offer online courses.


Question: I would like to find out how my foreign university degree is assessed in Germany.

Answer: The anabin database of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs provides information on the assessment of foreign educational qualifications and supports authorities, employers and private individuals in classifying foreign qualifications in the German education system. The anabin database you can use to find out how your certificate will be evaluated in Germany. If you have completed university studies, you can also use the database to find out if your university is recognised in Germany. Use the english guide to anabin.