

Here you can find all documents related to the laboratories at the
Iinstitute of Communication Engineering and Embedded Systems.

It is necessary to study the laboratory documents and instructions prior to all tutorial sessions. You must bring along all the documents to the laboratory – including the cover sheets of the laboratory reports.

General cover sheet

All documents are available in the script files of the respective author.


Program for the calculation of the absolute value of high-pass and low-pass filters


Electric Eengineering, room C13-2.23 / 2.25, Grenzstr.5

ELE / Elektronik1  Prof. Patz (file: jens.dittmann)
Transistor as circuit (program for the calculation of UeH and Us2 voltages)
Program for the calculation of the absolute value of high-pass and low-pass filters
Communication electronics/Electric engineering 2 (file: claudio.schwatlo)


DSV, room C13-2.18 / 2.19, Grenzstr.5
(file: claudio.schwatlo)

Digital image processing
Data communication
Simulation of communication systems
Design and programming of signal processors
Projects image processing