Institute for Supply Chain and Operations Management
In trustworthy cooperation with practice and science, the Institute for Supply Chain and Operations Management carried out its range of courses and assumes various tasks in the areas of research and transfer. We see ourselves within the triangle of practice, research and teaching as an active designer of learning and organisational processes and as a competent contact partner for students and companies from different sectors. Our activities are supported by a holistic, interdisciplinary, cooperative and scientific approach.
What is SCOM
Supply Chain and Operations Management is the management task oriented towards corporate goals and designs and controls cross-sectoral supply chains. The focuses of SCOM are purchasing, logistics and production. Here, we look at managerial functions such as the design of processes, organisation, information processing and personnel deployment. In a globalised economy, modern supply chain and operations management is the most important guarantor of sustained business success.
Tasks of the Institute
The institute of supply chain and operations management performs tasks in the following areas: (teaching, research, transfer)
The aim of our teaching is to prepare future professional and managerial staff to solve complex problems independently with the help of scientific methods. At the UAS Kiel, we offer our students a foundation for a successful, professional future at bachelor’s and master’s level.
We teach the wide range of supply chain and operations management in our mandatory modules. In elective modules, we deepen selected content which is of particular importance today in practice and research and for which increased importance is expected in the coming years. Our master’s and bachelor’s students have the possibility to set their own technical focus by attending special seminars to add a professional emphasis in supply chain and operations management. It is important for us to have an intensive interaction with our students. We design our courses as lectures, seminars and practical projects, complemented by excursions to companies and guest lectures by professional practitioners. Cooperation in practical work carried out together with companies is especially intensive. In doing so, we show how theoretical knowledge from teaching can be applied in practice. An overview of our mandatory and elective modules is available here.
Our students have the opportunity to work on practice-oriented supply chain and operations management tasks in internships or while writing their theses in a company, supervised by our lecturers. In this way, we encourage an intensive examination of real operational issues during the course of studies. It is not uncommon for students to change to permanent employment directly after graduation.
Our research is scientifically and application-oriented. We publish our research results in national and international trade journals and at specialist conferences. Due to our participation and making our own contributions to scientific conferences, we stay in contact with other scientists and can thus apply current research in our teaching.
In application-oriented research, we advise companies on recent challenges incorporating our scientific expertise and the knowledge of our students. In student theses, which are written in companies, there is a close interlinking of scientific theory and the problems of the company under consideration. In our management projects, we use teams of student in companies who work together on large operational tasks with the help of scientific methods.
Our offers for knowledge transfer are consulting and operational qualifications. The members of our institute contribute extensive experience and an intensive networking with the economy.
The goal is to initiate and actively support operational change processes that lead to competitive advantage.
„Weiterbildung mit Mehr(!)blick“ (further education with a broad view) is the motto of our institute’s offer for operational qualification. Our approach in in-house seminars and open seminars is to broaden horizons and provide impetus for sustainable organisational development.
Fields of Competence
The team of professors from the Institute for Supply Chain and Operations Management represents competences in numerous, complementary fields of work, especially in the following fields of competence (for details, please click on the respective topic):
Purchasing, Procurement logistics

Prof. Dr. Klaus Dieter Lorenzen
24149 Kiel
Room: C03-3.33
External logistics, Distributional logistics

Prof. Dr. Peter Franke
24149 Kiel
Room: C03-3.09
Operations Management / Production management
Prof. Dr. et Ing. habil. Marc-André Weber
24149 Kiel
Room: C03-3.38