Prof. Dr. Stephan Schneider
General Business Administration and Economics in IT
24149 Kiel
Room: C03-3.13
Consultation hour in WiSe 2021/22
- Time: Tue, 13.30-14.30 hrs
- Location: Office (for presence) or Zoom-Room (Meeting-ID: 813 8468 2159; Identification code: fh-kiel).
Please consider that the consultation hour only takes place during the lecture period (21.09. - 21.12.). During the interdisciplinary weeks and the semester break, there is no consultation. You don’t need to register for the consultation, just show up in the Zoom-Room mentioned above.
Professor for ABWL and Business Information Systems
Artificial Intelligence: New module series
The new, interdisciplinary module series about artificial intelligence which takes place every semester starts the next winter semester. The modules from that series can be visited by students from all faculties. Additionally, the visited modules from that series will be acknowledged for similar modules from the existing curricula.
The modules are about Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Both modules are offered as bachelor’s and master’s modules. The current module descriptions are available here: Machine Learning (BA), Machine Learning (MA), Deep Learning (BA), Deep Learning (MA). Topic of these core modules of AI are models of mechanic learning and artificial neural networks, the ultimate topics of AI. Furthermore, the modules offer the possibility to participate in real AI projects. For the forthcoming semester, we have been able to acquire partners from the project AI and Culture with some interesting assignments. As a short look ahead, it currently looks like we have the neurology of the UKSH as a partner for the semester after that. So many interesting AI projects!
Interested students can sign up for the module series by writing me an email. Since this module series has to be placed in the study schedule, and due to its interdisciplinary character, there might be overlaps with other modules. We will however try to avoid that problem. Details about the organisation and the procedure are explained in the kick-off event on 20.09. (Monday) at 16.15 hrs in room C03-2.04. And last but not least: there is no specific knowledge required, but you should be interested in the development of AI-based solutions. I am looking forward to seeing you!
Modules in WiSe 21/22
Dear students,
According to current planning, the courses of the winter semester 2021/22 are again taking place in presence. All further information is available in the Moodle courses linked below.
- Business Information Systems 1.a (Bachelor’s in BWL/WI)
- Business Analytics with Excel & Co. (Bachelor’s in BWL/WI)
- Business Analytics and AI (Master’s DBM and ACT)
- AI (Interdisciplinary module)
All the best & stay healthy
Stephan Schneider