Jens Langholz - Practical projects

Practical projects in the winter semester 2009/2010

Management Project II:

  • "Support of the OSPlus-Migration of Sparkasse banks in Schleswig-Holstein" for the Sparkassen- and Giroverband Schleswig-Holstein
  • "Possibilities of organisational discharge in the care sector" for the Segeberger Kliniken Gruppe


Since 2017, together with Doris Weßels, partner of the Digital Challenge has taken place once a year in regional companies. The student participants have the possibility to get to know local companies and test their business models with digital approaches. For more information, visit

Close cooperation with opencampus/Campus Business Box e.V. with many practice partners, for example in the formats of Start-up Sessions, InnovationCamp, StartUp S.-H. e.V.

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