Prof. Dr. Krauss - Internships and Theses
Summer semester 2022
- Konzeption und Realisierung einer webbasierten Anwendung zur Materialbestandserfassung eines Labors auf Basis von Microsoft PowerApps, Bachelor Thesis, SS22
- Ermittlungsmöglichkeiten im Darknet – Identifizierung von Betreibern und Käufern auf kinderpornografischen Plattformen, Bachelor Thesis, SS22
- Optimierung des Inbetriebnahmeprozesses komplexen, interdependenten Systemen, Master Thesis, SS22
- Konzeption und Implementierung eines Schnittstellen-Prototypen (Middleware) für ein webbasiertes Portalsystem, Bachelor Thesis, SS22
- Protecting User Privacy by Automating Consent in Web Browsers, Master Thesis, SS22
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Software Testing: Benefits, Usage and Impacts, Master Thesis, SS22
- Entwicklung eines Datensicherungskonzepts unter Beachtung unterschiedlicher Schutzbedarfe und geltender Datenschutzvorschriften am Beispiel der assono GmbH, Bachelor Thesis, SS22
- Entwicklung eines Budgetierungsassistenten für die Arbeitsvorbereitung in der Prototypenfertigung, Bachelor Thesis, SS22
- Anwendungen der digitalen Datenverarbeitung im Bereich des Online-Marketing, Bachelor Thesis, SS22
- Analyse von Social Media Daten mittels Web Scraping und Data Analytics, Bachelor Thesis, SS22
- Entwurf und Implementierung eines Logging-Prozesses für ein Security Information and Event Management-System am Beispiel Netwrix Auditor, Bachelor Thesis, SS22
- Softwarearchitektur horizontal skalierbarer Webanwendungen zur Gruppenkommunikation in Echtzeit, Bachelor Thesis, SS22
- Implementierung von Erweiterungen der Ausdruckssprache Urkel, Bachelor Thesis, SS22
- Implementierung einer Echtzeitdatenauswertung für die Unternehmensgruppe Bartels- Langness im Lebensmittelgroß- und -einzelhandel, Bachelor Thesis, SS22
- Übersetzen von Ausdrücken in SQL-Abfragen für die Laufzeitoptimierung, Bachelor Thesis, SS22
- Umsetzung und Evaluation eines verbesserten Konzepts zur Digitalisierung von Shopfloor Management Prozessen anhand eines interaktiven Prototypen, Master Thesis, SS22
Winter semester 2021/22
- Toward a Better Democracy Interface: AI-assisted Voting Automation Tool (AVAT) A Technical Solution Architecture to Improve Rates of political Participation, Master Thesis, WS21/22
- Examining the Impacts of Artificial Intelligence(AI) on Data Deluge in the Internet of Things(IoT), Master Thesis, WS21/22
- Recommender System, Master Thesis, WS21/22
- Konzeptionierung und Implementierung einer containerbasierten Continuous Integration, Delivery und Deployment Pipeline und dazugehöriger Infrastrukturdienste, Bachelor Thesis, WS21/22
- Algorithmusbasiertes E-Mail Marketing im B2C Bereich, Bachelor Thesis, WS21/22
- Konzeptionierung und Implementierung eines Data Warehouse-Systems in einem mittelständischen Unternehmen, Bachelor Thesis, WS21/22
- Full Stack Webentwicklung eines generischen Formular Editors auf Open-Source Basis, Bachelor Thesis, WS21/22
- Aufbau eines Zero-Coding Chatbots am Beispiel einer Service Desk Integration, Bachelor Thesis, WS21/22
- Konzeption und Realisierung eines Webshops im Content Management System Contao: Am Beispiel von Hekayat-Balad, Bachelor Thesis, WS21/22
- Entwicklung einer Webanwendung für die Verwaltung von Informationen zu Kunden und Kundensystemen mit dem Zweck der Support-Optimierung, Bachelor Thesis, WS21/22
- Digitale Verkehrssicherheit - Angriffsvektoren und deren Abwehr bei autonomen Systemen, Bachelor Thesis, WS21/22
- Access Control in Model-based ERP systems, Master Project, WS21/22
- Identifikation von IoT-Geräten eines Kunden im Internet und Klassifizierung gefundener Schwachstellen, Bachelor Thesis, WS21/22
Summer semester 2021
- Entwicklung einer Progressive Web APP in Java im Kontext von Virtual Reality Anwendungen, Bachelor Thesis, SS21
- Konter 4.0 - Wettbewerbsvorteile durch Big Data im Profifußball, Bachelor Thesis, SS21
- Entwicklung einer mobilen Cross-Platform Applikation für die Mietabwicklung von Land- und Baumaschinen im Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Bachelor Thesis, SS21
- Implementierung einer zentralen E- Mailverschlüsselung auf Basis von nutzerspezifischen Zertifikaten, Bachelor Thesis, SS21
- Analyse von Algorithmen und Tools zur Überprüfung der Codequalität am Beispiel Java, Bachelor Thesis, SS21
- FaaS: Ausführung von nicht vertrauenswürdigem Code - Ein Überblick von Ansätzen basierend auf Virtuellen Maschinen, Containern und WebAssembly, Master Project, SS21
- State of the Incident Management at d.velop - A comparison of best practices with applied solutions, Master Project, SS21
- Development of a CNN for multi-label image classification using the scene image data, Master Thesis, SS21
- A comparative analysis of selected techniques for Retail Sales forecasting, Master Thesis, SS21
Winter semester 2020/21
- Minarett App, Bachelor Projekt, WS20/21
- Security Information and Event Management as a Service - Analyse der Umsetzbarkeit am Beispiel von Graylog Enterprise und Sentinel Microsoft, Bachelor Thesis, WS20/21
- Konzeption eines Recommender Systems zur Personalisierung von Produktlisten in einem Webshop, Bachelor Thesis, WS20/21
- Konzeption und Implementierung einer Weboberfläche zur Berechnung der Dienstreisekosten beim Landesbetrieb Straßenbau und Verkehr Schleswig-Holstein LBV.SH, Bachelor Thesis, WS20/21
- Cloud Back und Frontend-Entwicklung für ein Raspberry Pi Umfragesystem, MIP10 Projekt, WS20/21
- Smart Digital Tool, Master Project, WS20/21
- Security by design in Agile Software Development, Master Thesis, WS20/21
- E2E Testing and Best Practices in QA, Master Thesis, WS20/21
- Optimize Resource Utilization in Containerized Massive Parallel Build Environments using an Elastic Docker Swarm Cluster, Master Thesis, WS20/21
- Research on identification of Role & Impact of Artificial Intelligence to Software Testing, Master Thesis, WS20/21
- Research on a Secure USB Scanning Solution that prevents the infected devices from effecting the digital environments, Master Thesis, WS20/21
- Evaluation and Development of the Risk Management, Business Continuity Plan and Simulation of the Disaster Recovery of International Organization for Migration (IOM), Germany, Master Thesis, WS20/21
- Design and Implementation of Digital interactive service control board using Oracle Apex, Master Thesis, WS20/21
- Approaches for Security Automation in Distributed Systems, Master Thesis, WS20/21
- Erstellung einer Webanwendung für die Arbeitsstudenverwaltung auf Basis des PHP-Frameworks Lavarel, Projekt im Unternehmen, WS20/21
- Konzeption einer Risikoanalyse auf Basis aktueller Standards im Unternehmen Allgeier Core GmbH, Bachelor Thesis, WS20/21
- Katalog zur Früherkennung von Antipattern und Code-Smells mit Exit-Strategien für die unterschiedlichen Phasen von Softwareprojekten, Bachelor Thesis, WS20/21
- Gamification agiler Softwareentwicklung am Beispiel von Scrum und Kanban, Bachelor Thesis, WS20/21
Summer semester 2020
- Conception and risk analysis on basis of current standards in the company Allgeier Core GmbH, Bachelor’s Thesis, SS20
- Security by design in Agile Software Development, Master’s Thesis, SS20
- Development of a Minarett App for Android devices, Bachelor’s Project, SS20
- E2E Testing and Best Practices in QA, Master’s Thesis, SS20
- Security Information and Event Management as a Service – Analysis of feasibility at the example of Graylog Enterprise and Sentinel Microsoft, Bachelor’s Thesis, SS20
- Optimize Resource Utilization in Containerized Massive Parallel Build Environments using an Elastic Docker Swarm Cluster, Master’s Thesis, SS20
- Research on identification of Role & Impact of Artificial Intelligence to Software Testing, Master’s Thesis, SS20
- Research on a Secure USB Scanning Solution that prevents the infected devices from effecting the digital environments, Master’s Thesis, SS20
- Cloud Back and Frontend development for a Raspberry Pi survey system, Master’s Project, SS20
- Evaluation and Development of the Risk Management, Business Continuity Plan and Simulation of the Disaster Recovery of International Organization for Migration (IOM), Germany, Master’s Thesis, SS20
- Design and Implementation of Digital interactive service control board using Oracle Apex, Master’s Thesis, SS20
- Conception of a Recommender System to personalise product lists in a web shop, Bachelor’s Thesis, SS20
- Development of a prototype for web-based inventory of workplace equipment in the setting of management software, Bachelor’s Thesis, SS20
- Smart Digital Tool, Master’s Project, SS20
- Conception and Implementation of a web surface to calculate the travel expenses of the Landesbetrieb Straßenbau und Verkehr Schleswig-Holstein LBV.SH, Bachelor’s Thesis, SS20
- Catalogue for early detection of Anti-Pattern and Code-Smells with Exit-Sstrategies for the different phases of software projects, Bachelor’s Thesis, SS20
- Gamification of agile software development at the example of Scrum and Kanban, Bachelor’s Thesis, SS20
- Approaches for Security Automation in Distributed Systems, Master’s Thesis, SS20
- Development of a web application for the working-hour management on the basis of the PHP-Framework Lavarel, project in a company, SS20
Winter semester 2019/20
- Monitoring system of dependencies in the programme code, Bachelor’s Thesis, WS19/20
- Investigating the effectiveness of Biometric Authentication in preventing card fraud in the Banking Industry, Master’s Project, WS19/20
- A System for Automatic Malicious Network Traffic Analysis and Rule Generation, Master’s Thesis, WS19/20
- Development and Verification of a hardening to secure Member-Servers within the IT-Security, Bachelor’s Thesis, WS19/20
- Conception and Implementation of a Dashboard for time registration systems, Bachelor’s Thesis, WS19/20
- Performance Analysis and Enhancement of the database system of Mint Media Interactive, Master’s Thesis, WS19/20
- Visualisation of ForeCast Data in a Web application, Master’s Thesis, WS19/20
- Investigating the Impact of Software aimed at Protecting the Privacy Rights of Online Users, Master’s Project, WS19/20
- Development of a cloud-based application to visualise and evaluate status and position data of automatic mobile warning systems, Bachelor’s Thesis, WS19/20
- A User Interface (UI) Implementation for an Embedded Device to Visualize Automotive BUS signals, Master’s Thesis, WS19/20
- Conception and design of a graphic user interface for a life insurance product in OSPlus_neo, Bachelor’s Thesis, WS19/20
- Design of a bi-directional communication between a Java Client and a Java-FX-Webview, Bachelor’s Thesis, WS19/20
- Automation of eCG NPS users pool generation process with RESTful web service, Master’s Thesis, WS19/20
- Implementation of logistics software for trucks (Android App, PHP backend with REST API), Master’s Project, WS19/20
- Comparative analysis of continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline tools, Master’s Thesis, WS19/20
- Reducing the uncertainty of availability of applications on a multi-tenant container platform by enhancing the technical design, Master’s Thesis, WS19/20
- Analysis of the Optimization of a User's Search Experience on Website Databases, Master’s Thesis, WS19/20
- A study to application programming interfaces, Master’s Project, WS19/20
Summer semester 2019
- Re-Design of the Payment-Page for mobile payment regarding Usability/Homogeneity/Brand presence and User-Flow, Bachelor’s Thesis, SS19
- Devops Pipeline Implementation for Automating Car Manufacturing Applications, Master’s Project, SS19
- Implementation of an existing Java (SpringBoot) Microservice in JavaScript (Nodejs), Master’s Project, SS19
- Experimental study of modern vulnerability impacts in a web application., Master’s Thesis, SS19
- Automation Of Continuous Integration Workflow using Jenkins, Master’s Project, SS19
- Adapting a holistic security-first approach for cloud, Master’s Thesis, SS19
- Digital Transformation – Risk and Governance transformation, Master’s Thesis, SS19
- User Interface Design and Development of REST‐Based Frontend Web Service Platform on Performance Measurement Analysis, Master’s Thesis, SS19
- Development of a web-based Automatic Call Distribution solution with interactive Voice Response functionality for the e-commerce industry, Master’s Thesis, SS19
- Analysis and evaluation of cost reduction for web development projects by using style guide driven development, Master’s Thesis, SS19
- Improvement of user interaction of a website through the use of modern framework technologies on the basis of a local rental company, Master’s Project, SS19
- SharePoint Migration Best Practices, Master’s Project, SS19
- Additive sound synthesis control and implementation of additive Synthesizers, Bachelor’s Thesis, SS19
- Comparison and Analysis Just-In-Time provisioning and System for Cross-Domain Identity Management with respect to user roles, Master’s Thesis, SS19
- Virtualization in the ARM Environment, Master’s Thesis, SS19
Winter semester 2018/19
- Autonomous Assessment System (AAS), Master’s Project, WS18/19
- 2 Factor Authentication on Mobile Phones with Geolocation, Master’s Project, WS18/19
- JavaScript Web Crypto API, Bachelor’s Thesis, WS18/19
- SAP Business on Web interface., Master’s Project, WS18/19
- Threat Modelling for IoT sensor environment, Master’s Project, WS18/19
- An optimization process of a web-based music assistant, Master’s Project, WS18/19
- C.K. Time-Stamp Application, Master’s Project, WS18/19
- An analysis of the DoS attack on a cloud-based environment, Master’s Project, WS18/19
- Digital Signing and Pattern Recognition of Content, Master’s Thesis, WS18/19
- Mint media interactive Software Systems GmbH Kiel, Master’s Project, WS18/19
- CO2 Monkey – Web Based Compensation Platform, Master’s Project, WS18/19
- An Automatization of Insurance Web Process and Information, Master’s Project, WS18/19
- Tourism Social Media For Pursuing, Master’s Project, WS18/19
- Design and Implementation of Monitoring and Alerting Dashboard, Master’s Project, WS18/19
- An efficient scalable IT-assisted solution for voluntary compensation of CO2 emissions caused by private transportation sector, Master’s Thesis, WS18/19
- Automated Vulnerability Scanning, Master’s Thesis, WS18/19
- Analysis and Classification of Security Threats in Blockchain Technology, Master’s Thesis, WS18/19
- Integration of Data Protection Impact Assessments into Information Security Management Systems, Master’s Thesis, WS18/19
- Development of a Baseline Architecture for Secure Cloud Migration in Enterprises, Master’s Thesis, WS18/19
Summer semester 2018
- Applications of Blockchain in different areas, Master’s Project, SS18
- Building Web Applications for Small-scale Businesses through API’s using Excel Data Inputs, Master’s Project, SS18
- Safety assessment of an IT-System with mobile application for time tracking, Bachelor’s Thesis, SS18