Prof. Dr. Thiemer - Semester Projects

VWL-Semester Projects

The VWL semester projects are part of the lecture VWL-1 (microeconomics). With the help of experiments and interviews we check hypotheses about the economic decision-making behaviour and operating principles of markets. Subjects are the students themselves. To carry out these projects (moderation of experiments, collection and analysis of data, discussion and presentation of results) I am always looking for interested and engaged students as employees. General knowledge of spreadsheet calculation in MS-Excel is mandatory. The selection of project teams is takesing place via a short application test. The successful conclusion of this project is rewarded by a credit entry for the exam VWL-1. You will get receive further information in my lecture.

The primarily goals of this projects are didactical. Students should

  • eExperience economic principles vividly,
  • get to know microeconomics as an application-oriented behavioural science and not only associate it with the mastery of mathematic derivations,
  • learn about current questions of experimental business science,
  • be confronted with the problems and surprises of empirical research,
  • develop a critical attitude towards common neoclassical characterised textbook knowledge.

Also, the results of these projects can function as progress reports for VWL lecturers that want to integrate ‘classroom experiments’ into their seminars. Additionally, these research projects are provideing comparable data for quoted reference studies. Thisat’s is why we publish the results here as working papers from the Institute for Economics and Economic Ppolicy.

Projects in process (WS 2008/2009):

Completed projects:

VWL-Project Nr. 8 (WS 2008/2009)
Haarinas Next Topmodel - A Keynasian beauty contest

VWL-Project Nr. 7 (SS 2008)
Only profit in the head? – A survey among students about business decisions

VWL-Project Nr. 6 (SS 2008)
It’s better to not own than to loose - Endowment- Effects 

VWL-Project Nr. 5 (WS 2007/2008)
Don’t panic! - Bank-Run- Experiments with the Diamond-Dybvig- Modell

VWL-Project Nr. 4 (WS 2007/2008)
Bayesian lemmings – An experiment with information cascades


VWL-Project Nr. 3 (SS 2007):
"Tit for tat!" – Two empirical tests about reciprocal behaviour