


Here you will find all relevant information regarding international topics.

Teaching Excellence in the North – our University’s vision brings forth our aspiration to provide highest level service as university of applied sciences. Excellence in teaching means for us variety, practicality and internationality.

Looking back at more than 20 years of experience in internationalization, the Faculty of Business Management (FB W) promotes incoming and outgoing mobility on all academic levels. Currently we cooperate with more than 40 Partner universities worldwide. Studying abroad for a semester or even obtaining a double degree, working internationally as an intern or taking part in the European Project Semester - the possibilities for students alone cover a wider range.

At the FH Kiel you meet three actors dealing with international concerns: the International Office, the Centre for Languages and Intercultural Studies (Zentrum für Sprachen und Interkulturelle Kompetenz) and the Faculty of Business Management.
The International Office helps you with organizational questions related to your exchange and is responsible for Erasmus.
The Zentrum für Sprachen und Interkulturelle Kompetenz offers language courses for students.

Here on the website of FB W you find academic information for your exchange and general information about Kiel, the FH and the Faculty of Business Management. On these websites we invite you to learn more about internationalization at FB W, explore the taste of the big wide world, be it at home or abroad.

We provide mobility information for both “incomings” (provided in English for incoming students, graduates and staff) and “outgoings” (provided in German for outgoing students, graduates and staff).

Find out your possibilities: an exciting semester abroad, a short term stay, language training and many more!

With best regards
Your International Team at the Business Department

Ps: You are curious, but could not find the answer to your question? You would like to engage internationally, but do not exactly know, how? Please email us to international.wirtschaft(at)