

Degree: Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Length of Study: 7 semesters
Course content: German
Enrolment: each winter term (admission free)
Application deadlines for first semester of study: May until 15.09. of each year (winter term)
Application deadlines for higher semester of study: November until 15.03. of each year (summer term), May until 15.09. of each year (winter term)
Form of study: dual, with integrated training as a physiotherapist and professional qualification after 7 semesters (according to the PhysTh-APrV)

Your future with a degree in Physiotherapy

The focus of the dual physiotherapy course is learning clinical evidence and evidence-based action in order to design therapy and health promotion and apply it in a problem- and context-oriented manner. Graduates are able to work independently and in an interdisciplinary manner not only in health care and prevention facilities - especially outpatient and inpatient health care - but also in professional fields such as teaching, in research projects or at various associations.

Good reasons to study Physiotherapy at Kiel UAS

  • practice-oriented
  • extensive crediting of achievements from vocational training
  • qualifies for all PT activities
  • elective modules for individual focus

Best prospects

Christoph Brandenburg-Ivens

“Thanks to the physiotherapy degree, I received a very broad perspective regarding my profession. Through the practice-oriented modules, I developed extensively in my therapy. The theoretical modules such as law, marketing and business administration were the basis for me being able to successfully open my own practice after completing my bachelor's degree."

Owner of ManuCura Osteopathie and Physiotherapie



1st semester:

  • Fundamentals of body structures
  • Fundamentals of bodily functions
  • The profession of physiotherapy
  • Interdisciplinary studies in accordance with § 4, paragraph 2 of the PVO

2nd semester:

  • Fundamentals of body structures
  • Fundamentals of bodily functions
  • Professionalism and quality assurance (clinical diagnostics and decision-making)
  • Working in organizations
  • Interdisciplinary studies in accordance with § 4, paragraph 2 PVO

3rd semester:

  • Fundamentals of bodily functions
  • Fundamentals of movement and training
  • Professionalism and quality assurance (clinical diagnostics and decision-making)
  • Working in organizations
  • Interdisciplinary studies in accordance with § 4, paragraph 2 PVO

4th semester:

  • Fundamentals of bodily functions
  • Fundamentals of movement and training
  • Management in an economic and political context
  • Interdisciplinary studies in accordance with § 4, paragraph 2 PVO

5th semester:

  • Medical disciplines
  • Clinical internships
  • Related sciences in physiotherapy
  • Elective module in accordance with § 3 para. 1 sentence 5 PVO
  • Interdisciplinary studies in accordance with § 4 para. 2 PVO

6th semester:

  • Medical disciplines
  • Clinical internships
  • Research methods in physiotherapy
  • Interdisciplinary studies in accordance with § 4, paragraph 2 PVO

7th semester:

  • Elective module in accordance with § 3 para. 1 sentence 5 PVO
  • Interdisciplinary studies in accordance with § 4 para. 2 PVO
  • Thesis
  • Colloquium


Here you can find information on accepted university entrance qualifications.

Information on application deadlines and procedures for applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification can be found at

Please apply on time so that you can start your studies without problems!

Information for entering your studies can be found here.

The processing time of your application can take up to two weeks and the last possible for submission is 31.03. of each year for the following summer term and 30.09. of each year for the following winter term.

Applications for the first semester of study:

  • May until 15.09. of each year (winter term)

Applications for a higher semester:

Admission is based on the capacities that become available. More information can be obtained from the Admissions Office.

  • November until 15.03. of each year (summer term)
  • May until 15.09. of each year (winter term)

Information on application deadlines and procedures for applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification can be found at

Documents to be submitted (as upload):

  1. Certificate of university entrance qualification
  2. Valid training contract from one of the above-mentioned technical schools
  3. Certificate in the event of a name change (e.g. marriage certificate)
  4. certificate of exmatriculation (de-registration) if you are studying/have studied the same course of study for which you are requesting admission to a first semester of study
  5. Complete evidence of previous study periods by means of study certificates
  6. Evidence of previously completed courses (when applying for a higher semester)
  7. if applicable, evidence of sufficient German language skills for applicants without a German university entrance qualification and without a German university degree (enrolment requirement in the case of admission!!!)
  8. Additional degree: certificate of the first professional degree, study certificates, certificate of exmatriculation (de-registration) and a detailed written reasoning for applying; applicants are only allowed to name one degree programme. You can find more information here.

After you have submitted your documents for application, they are checked by the Examinations Office or Examinations Commission of the Faculty. If the admission requirements are met, you receive an invitation to enrol.

The enrolment deadline is issued with the invitation to enrol. If enrolment is not secured on time, the right to the study place expires irrevocably. You can find more information on enrolment here.

If the examination of your documents reveals that the admission requirements have not been met, you receive a rejection notice with a corresponding justification.

There is a compulsory fee charged each semester for the Student Services Authority, the student body (AstA) and the semester travel ticket.

Also, there is an administration charge for enrolment. This charge is non-refundable.

Additional information on the above-mentioned fees and charges



Postal Address

Fachhochschule Kiel
Student Secretariat
Sokratesplatz 1
24149 Kiel

Tel.: 0431 210 1339

E-Mail: studieninformation(at)


Student Secretariat
Sokratesplatz 3
24149 Kiel

Opening Hours:

You can find our current Opening Hours here.