Studying with disabilities and/or long-term health conditions

According to a survey which has been conducted by the Deutsches Studentenwerk - German National Association for Students’ Affairs - (refer to BEST – Beeinträchtigt studieren (students with disabilities), about 8 % of the persons studying at institutes of higher education in this country have a disability or a chronic disease. Be it impairment of mobility, sight, hearing and speech, or a physical impairment, for example, rheumatism or diabetes, or mental disorders, for example depression – for many of the students these impairments have an adverse impact on their ability to study. For the benefit of these students, the institutes of higher education are not only required by law but have committed themselves to breaking down barriers, to overcoming the disadvantages and providing circumstances that enable these students to successfully complete their studies. 

Compensation for disadvantages

What does it mean and how can I apply for it?

The goal behind compensation for disadvantages is to assure equal opportunities for students in special life situations, especially students

- with disabilities including psychological or chronic illnesses.

- during maternity protection or with children.

- with family members in need of care.

How can I apply for compensation for disadvantages during my studies?

An application for compensation for disadvantages shall be filed with the faculty´s examination office. The application shall be filed as early as possible, at latest at the due date for the exam registration. A preparatory consultation meeting with the Central student advisory service is recommended.

What are the requirements for compensation for disadvantages during my studies?

1. A long-standing health impairment/maternity protection/parenthood/family members in need of care.

Possible proof: medical certificate, psychological certificate, handicapped pass, clinical release report, health insurance assessment, maternity log, birth certificate of child, statement by care institution etc.

2. Disadvantage during studies, if performance has to be delivered under standard conditions.

Possible proof: Written explanation about the specific disadvantage and potential compensation. Most suitable is a written explanation by the same person that provided proof for requirement 1. (e.g. a doctor).

3. The impairment is not exam-relevant in terms of content.

 Point of contact: Central student advisory service, 0431/210-1760.

Advisory services

The central student advisory service offers advice and assistance in various areas:

  • Study conditions and accessibility at Kiel University of Applied Sciences
  • Compensation for disadvantages in regards to admission and exams
  • General studies organization

The counseling service of Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein offers advice regarding

  • Study financing options
  • Financing of additional needs
  • Accessible accommodation
  • Compensation for disadvantages

The social department of the General Student Committee (AStA) offers peer counselling regarding compensation for disadvantages and other supportive measures. In addition, the committee represents and defends the interests of students with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses.

The Kiel UAS Diversity Representative offers support in cases of experienced or observed discrimination at university.