Central Student Advisory Service

The study guidance service provides a wide range of services focusing on the needs of current and prospective students. The staff is bound to professional discretion, the content of the sessions is confidential.

A scheduled appointment with the study guidance counsellor requires contact by telephone in advance. At this pre-appointment stage, we might be able to already answer some questions, name further contact persons, or make an appointment for you.In addition to pre-arranged individual appointments and advice over the phone, we offer regular open consultation hours in order to make it easier for you to get in contact.

Individual counselling is recommended if you question your choice of subject, if you have difficulties in managing your work or you suffer from examination anxiety and lack motivation.

Should the increasingly complex course offer provided at German institutes of higher education rather confuse you or should you be uncertain about your study wishes resp. study opportunities (especially at the Kiel University of Applied Sciences), a thorough individual subject information session is recommended.


The study guidance service will inform you about opportunities for funding of outstanding students and how to apply for a scholarship. During the interdisciplinary weeks (IdW) a regular information service is offered.


We offer individual counselling as well as lectures and seminars which are embedded in our everyday study operations informing you on how to prevent examination anxiety and burn-out.


Under the framework of school conferences and in cooperation with the Media Dome and our faculties, the event series Campus+ offers the exclusive opportunity to explore the Kiel the University of Applied Sciences. Additionally, we organise open days (Fachhochschulinfotage – FIT) twice a year and provide information for the interested public at professional (higher) education fairs and school events.


The study guidance service aims at reducing your individual difficulties arising during your course of study. We offer, for example, support and events on “how to learn” for those students who find it more difficult to learn after a longer period of professional work. These problems may also concern students with migrant background, students with children and students suffering from chronic diseases/disabilities. Should you need further support, we would be pleased - if requested - to offer assistance provided by partners at or from outside the university.



Portrait of Anna-Maria Utzolino© J. Brunn
Portrait of Tobias Skubich© P. Knittler

Tobias Skubich

Deputy Head / Study Guidance

[Translate to English:] Dörte Heller© P. Knittler

Dörte Heller

Study Guidance

Portrait of Marina Makurath© J. Brunn

Marina Makurath

Student counselling for international students and students with chronic illness/disability

Portrait of Celina Cameron© P. Knittler

Celina Cameron

Events in schools and career guidance fairs

Student assistants

Marisa Fink, Onno Eick, Lea Repenning, Lina Kristin Schuppan


Further counselling services

  • The Registration and Admissions Office will only give legally binding information about all questions regarding your application or admission. You will also be informed about courses on offer at the Kiel University of Applied Sciences.

  • Psychological counselling: Please contact the psychological counselling service of Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein, Phone No. 0431 8816-325.

  • Social counselling: for issues regarding social benefits (child or housing benefit), health insurance, information on BAföG (loans) and jobbing, please contact the counselling service of Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein, Phone No. 0431 8816-299.

  • For students and graduates, the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (job centre) provides counselling on career and professional development or job applications: Kiel University of Applied Sciences (Building No. 2, Room No. 0.50), Thursday 13.00 - 15.00 hrs.